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Take your time to read instructions before taking this test.

There are 40 questions which you are to answer in 15 minutes that gives you roughly 30 seconds per question.

If you can get at least 60%, you can be rest assured that you’ll ace PHY 103 exam

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In a normal exam you will be asked between 40 – 60 questions but I only arranged 40 questions


  • Do not be in a hurry to answer the questions
  • Do not waste time on a question you don’t know
  • Move as fast as possible and starting with questions that don’t have calculation first to save time
  • Always crosscheck
  • Don’t be in a hurry to submit, you are not in a competition
  • Don’t be scared. Getting an A is easy
  • Don’t be over confident, you can end up a D, E or F. Calm your blood, no be only you sabi book
  • Please do well to use our comment box incase there’s a message you want to pass to us

70 – 100 A

60 – 69 B

50 – 59 C

45 – 49 D

40 – 44 E

0 – 39 F

I wish you success

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Created on By Phil

GST 105

1 / 60


Which of the following is considered as the major mistakes that must be avoided by young Entrepreneurs?

2 / 60

2. The term "entrepreneur" originated from which language?

3 / 60

3. Scholars that have contributed to the topic of entrepreneurial and functional
education include all except

4 / 60


According to Casson and Wadeson, what do entrepreneurs shape through their decisions?


5 / 60


All of these are Interpersonal skill for Entrepreneurs to succeed except ____

6 / 60

6. _____ is one of the causes of business failure.

7 / 60

7. The first step in creative process according to Holt (1992) is:

8 / 60

8. According to Frank Knight, entrepreneurs are rewarded for managing:

9 / 60

9. Who defined entrepreneurs as individuals who innovate through "creative destruction"?

10 / 60

10. Marketing research is the set of process that links the Consumer, Customer and public to the marketer through information. True or false?

11 / 60

11. The widely accepted definition of entrepreneurship by Peter Drucker focuses on:

12 / 60

12. ................. is the scientific stage that involves in seemingly quite unscientific procedure of guessing

13 / 60

13. Which scholar's definition includes the term "creative destruction"?


14 / 60

14. NLBD means ____

15 / 60

15. Creativity is:

16 / 60

16. The two disciplines where entrepreneurship originated were …… / ……

17 / 60

17. Modern entrepreneurship in Nigeria began with:

18 / 60

18. According to Adams (2005) the following are critical to individual creativity except:

19 / 60

19. Can anyone start a business?

20 / 60

20. What does Frank Knight emphasize in his definition of entrepreneurship?


21 / 60

21. ____ defines globalization as the process of creating networks of connection among actors in year _______.

22 / 60

22. __________________ is a system principle governing the appropriate conduct for a person or group

23 / 60

23. Entrepreneurship and functional education curriculum is :

24 / 60


What do Shane and Venkataraman identify as a key process in entrepreneurship?


25 / 60

25. What does "creative destruction" refer to in entrepreneurship?


26 / 60

26. The scholar who first stressed the significance of entrepreneurship for economic
growth is……….

27 / 60

27. The colonial economic system discouraged Nigerian entrepreneurship by:

28 / 60

28. ______ was the first to apply the concept of Entrepreneur to business in year _____

29 / 60


How did Michael Porter view entrepreneurs?


30 / 60

30. Which economist emphasized that entrepreneurship involves resource shifts to increase productivity?

31 / 60

31. Programs like the People’s Bank of Nigeria were created to:

32 / 60

32. Feasibility is a study of technical documents. State true or false.

33 / 60

33. The non-continuous process of combining resources of time, man, money and
materials to create products, services and ideas is ………..

34 / 60

34. All of these are concept enterprise except ___

35 / 60

35. _____ is a new idea, device, or process.

36 / 60

36. Observations can also be classified

37 / 60

37. From which language does the term "entrepreneur" originate?


38 / 60

38. How did Israel Kirzner define an entrepreneur?


39 / 60

39. What role do entrepreneurs play according to Ronald Coase?

40 / 60

40. According to Harvard Business School, an entrepreneur is someone who pursues what?

41 / 60

41. According to Jean-Baptiste Say, what is the role of an entrepreneur?


42 / 60

42. All of these are some of Traits of Entrepreneur except ______

43 / 60

43. Entrepreneurship in Nigeria started when:

44 / 60

44. Which of the following is not a peculiar problem faced by Nigerian entrepreneurs

45 / 60

45. Below are characteristics of an Entrepreneur except ____

46 / 60

46. All of these are components of feasibility study except _____

47 / 60

47. Which scholar described entrepreneurship as the creation of new organizations?


48 / 60

48. What discouraged entrepreneurship development during the colonial era?

49 / 60

49. Who described entrepreneurship as the process of discovering, evaluating, and exploiting opportunities?

50 / 60

50. What did Henry Ford emphasize as the entrepreneur’s role?


51 / 60

51. Creative process according to Holt (1992) can be classified into:

52 / 60

52. The introduction of formal education during the colonial era

53 / 60

53. Which scholar viewed entrepreneurs as market arbitrageurs identifying opportunities in imperfect markets?

54 / 60

54. The characteristics of entrepreneurs as risk-bearers, coordinators and organizers,
gap-fillers, leaders, and innovators or creative imitators were listed by……………..

55 / 60

55. What initiative encouraged self-reliance in Nigeria post-colonial era?

56 / 60


SMEs means___?

57 / 60

57. Which of the following is not a function of the Feasibility Report?

58 / 60

58. The concept ‘entrepreneur’ was first coined by……………...

59 / 60

59. According to Peter Drucker, entrepreneurship involves which key activity?


60 / 60

60. Howard Stevenson described entrepreneurship as the pursuit of opportunities:

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The average score is 51%



Phil aka Undergragra is a Computer Engineering Graduate at the Federal University Oye-Ekiti. He is a lover of God, a passionate teacher, writer and an educational consultant.

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The questions are hard o

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