Jay The FUOYE Fresher Season 2 episode 17(Season Finale)

Episode 17(Season Finale)

*****continued from last episode ****
Before writing any exam, there is something called course registration form which is gotten from the school portal and it must be signed and stamped by the department.. The online course registration form is more like “exam permit”.
As I was looking for my file in the department, someone entered..
Who entered?
Who entered?
You think it’s Mr Adedokun? 😂😜
LOL no..
I thought somebody entered but no body did…
After spending several minutes looking for my file.. I later found it Sha..
Now there is a way your file has to be arranged.. But honestly I’m not sure I remember it correctly.. Okay I think I remember..
First thing is, you need 3 passports to add to the files.. (3 or 6?..I think you’ll add the picture at the front and inside.. Don’t worry just get 6 passports ready.. They’ll give you the required instructions when you get to your department)
The first file is your clearance form, you get this file after completing your Online screening (that screening where you upload your documents)
I remember that time in 2018, flash back to when I just resumed when I came with that my friends dad’s car.. The next day after we had paid for medicals.. I called the agent, the guy had one freshers group like that Sha.. I finally met him, we (my friend and I) talked with him about school registration wahala and he was just laughing at us.
Mind you I met this agent guy at Oye school Junction.. So to get apartment I had to go to Ikole (I’m an engineering student remember?).. Wait do I need to tell you the whole story 😂.. You will cry for me oo.. Long story short.. House of 30k I ended up paying 45k..mind you houses were cheaper then and Ikole houses are cheaper than Oye houses.
The main reason why I talked about this was, when I was gisting with the agent guy about the online screening, he told me some things that made me realize that you just need the right information to avoid stress in this school.
He told me that you all I need is my medical receipt instead of waiting for medical certificate.. And I don’t need to go to cyber Cafe.. I can scan all my documents using phone camera…
Now back to present day where I’m in the department sorting out my files.. The first document is your Original Clearance form gotten after the online screening..
The 2nd document is your Jamb admission letter then your school admission letter, then your school fee receipt and then acceptance fee receipt (two of them must be stamped from the school Admin block.) . I remember when I stamped mine… The stress of Stamping is another wahala… If you want to avoid the stress.. Make sure you make a photocopy of the school fee receipt and acceptance fee receipt.. Try to stamp them at the same time.. So you are lucky if you pay your school fee early.. If you haven’t, no problem.. You can stamp your acceptance and school fee separately…. Don’t forget you must take one photocopy while entering the bursary unit at the Admin block to stamp and sign… (you can do this during medicals that is starting soon)
They’ll take the photocopy and give you back the Original… I almost forgot I think they’ll sign the clearance form there too…. Now after they give you the original, go and make 3 photocopies.. Most people will ask you to make two… I’m telling you to make sure you have 3 photocopies of all your documents.. You put the 3 photocopies inside your file and keep the Original with you.
To get your school fee and acceptance fee receipt stamped easily.. Just dedicate a whole day for it.. Get to the Admin office in phase 2 as early as 9 – 10..
Then in your file you’ll need the birth certificate then certificate of origin..
Your olevel result is the next document, most people argue about this.. But my department requested only for the coloured copy of my result.. Mind you I have the original result with me but school didn’t ask for it.
Then your original jamb result.. You pay 1k for this on jamb portal to get it.
Then there is something called the olevel verification form.. It’s just a sheet of paper you get from the computer centers inside school. It was N10 during my time… Sha prepare like N20.
Now on this olevel verification form you will be required to fill in some details, your passport will be attached to it too.. 3photocopies as usual
Manual course registration form is the next document, it’s just like the olevel verification form. Repeat the same process.
Online Course registration form is the next file (you remember I talked about it earlier on this episode). 3 photocopies as usual
Student eligibility form aka student bio data form is the next document, it’s just the screenshot of the front page of your student portal after you’ve logged in. 3 photocopies as usual
Then your attestation and guarantors letter.. I don’t think I need to explain this one again..
Then your court affidavit, matriculation oath gotten after matric.. And finally your medical certificate gotten when you are finally done with your medicals.
3 photocopies each..
I checked through my file and realized everything was in order, mind you please documents that need to be signed or stamped shouldn’t be photocopied until they’ve been signed oo.. Except in the case of School Fee and acceptance fee receipt.
The course registration which I called the exam permit must be signed and stamped by your department too.. So no photocopies until it has been stamped and signed..
I walked out of the room where our files were kept and I headed for the library.. Mehn I was still serious in 100 level Sha.
“Shoot Shoot!” The policemen shouted.
There was so much pandemonium as students ran for their dear lives.
“Yeh!” a student screamed from behind..
But at that moment all everyone cared about was their lives.. After few minutes we gathered round to check who shouted.. We saw blood!!
Blood! Did someone die?
What’s going on?
Do you think there should be Jay the FUOYE Fresher Season 3?
Nice story undergragra
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Season 3 nko?
Coming soon.
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