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Does AAU Accept NABTEB Result in 2023|Read Now

 Does Aaua Accept Nabteb Result|Read Now

aaua accept nabteb

Do you want to use NABTEB Result  to apply into AAUA?  You don’t know if Aaua accepts Nabteb result right?
You are on the right page my dear, sit back and relax……I’ve got you covered.

WAEC Result And NECO Result  definitely has more popularity compared to  NABTEB Result and that is why some people ask whether NABTEB will be acceptable into AAUA .
The question is asked basically because one or  two subjects spoilt  your WAEC or NECO result.

What is Nabteb all about?

NABTEB means National Business And Technical Examinations Board and it was established in August 1992 and also enacted through the promulgation of Decree 70 (Now Act 70) of 1993.

NABTEB was primarily established to take over the conduct of examinations hitherto conducted by the City and Guild (C&G) of London, Royal Society of Arts (RSA) of London and the technical and business examinations conducted by the West African Examinations Council (WAEC) in the bid to domesticate the examinations and tailor them towards societal needs.

NABTEB  was set up to reduce the burden of WAEC. In other words, Aaua accepts NABTEB certificate but there is a clause to this answer. All university and Polytechnics in Nigeria including the Aaua  will only accept NABTEB certificate for admission only if the course you want to study is within the jurisdiction of Vocational department, Engineering department and technical courses.

Although the Federal Government has endorsed certificates awarded by the National Business And Technical Examination Board (NABTEB) for admission into Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges of Education in Nigeria, a student of who want to study any course outside the above department should think twice. Please that doesn’t mean you cant use it oo…. Just read further

Does AAUA Accept NABTEB Result For Admission?

Can one apply for admission into  Aaua with NABTEB A Level Result?

We are very pleased to announce to you that the Federal Government has endorsed certificates awarded by the National Business And Technical Examination Board (NABTEB) for admission into Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges of Education in Nigeria.

No University or Higher Institution in the country has the right to discriminate the Certificate awarded by the Board.

So Yes. AAUA  Accepts NABTEB Result for Admission. However, Candidates who wish to apply for admission are advised to check JAMB Brochure to be fully sure that the NABTEB Certificate is accepted in Aaua.


Phil aka Undergragra is a Computer Engineering Graduate at the Federal University Oye-Ekiti. He is a lover of God, a passionate teacher, writer and an educational consultant.
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