Jay The FUOYE Fresher Season 2 Episode 11

I turned around and saw them again,they were standing close to the Nuesa/engineering relaxation centre..
Yeah, I saw them and I started to feel a sudden cold even though I was under a scorching sun..
who did I see?..
Yeah you guessed right..
I saw the cultists…
Few minutes later I was on my way home with so many thoughts running through my small head..
Then an idea struck!
What idea? I’m not telling you 🤣…
“Wellu Wellu Wellu Wellu Wellu Welcome..
We love you o, you are welcome o”
Yeah you must be wondering, what’s this guy writing??
Yeah it was a Sunday morning like that and I decided to go to church…
I woke up that morning around 8 30am, mind you the previous day I planned to make it to church by time for Sunday school… Sunday school starts by 8….in a normal redeem church..
The time was 8 30 and I was just waking up…
“Fuck!” I screamed as I checked the time..
The house was quiet and looked deserted… The Muslims in my compound sef went out.. I was the only one left at home..
I struggled to bathe, I don’t know… Whenever you are rushing something will always frustrate you… This was me 20 mins after I woke up.. Staring at the door of the bathroom that just collapsed… “How will I bathe like this? “
By 9am I was in church already.. Please don’t ask me how it happened 😂
The fellowship choir were already leading praise worship.. I gave off the coolest smile as the ushers ushered me to a seat.
Yeah, the worship was good.. I loved it.. But I didn’t know 90% of the songs they sang… 😂
As the service continued I could sense girls staring at me… (quick question tho, please oo.. What sense organ do you use to know when someone is looking at you?)
Well I came to church today for something different… Definitely I’ll still have time for the ladies but not now..
Shortly after, the choir came and gave their rendition… Swears at that moment I made up my mind to start coming to church every Sunday..
Then the sermon by Papa Koledoye Oluwatobi was just what I needed to hear at that time.. He talked about the mind being a powerful place..
After the sermon, one fresh dude came on the pulpit..
“Turn to your neighbor, if he’s a guy tell him you are handsome, if she’s a lady tell her you are beautiful”
I turned towards my neighbor and I smiled… Mehn she was beautiful..
“You are handsome” she said smiling and finally winked..
“Jesus!, which kind thing be dis inside church na”
Another lady from the back tapped me and told me that she wanted to see my jotter..
Ghen Ghen..
It was around that time that, the guy on the pulpit told all first timers to stand up… I then stood up and that’s when the choir sang..
“Wellu wellu wellu welcome……”
All these shit they were doing still wasn’t the reason why I came to church sef..
After the welcoming stuff Sha.. The girl who was sitting behind me, gave me my jotter back and told me she stays in Ibadan too and she knows the secondary school I attended..
It was then I remembered that the jotter I brought to church was actually my secondary school note book.
The service ended with the grace and they sang something called the family..
The sand the song titled “I need you by one foreign Christian artist like that… We were required to hold hands as we sang the song… Lucky me. Girls were all around me 😉..
Still the reason for me coming to church wasn’t fulfilled yet…
Finally they made an announcement and I smiled… What was that announcement?
“Jay you come church today?” someone said behind me..
Who did?
Watch out for Jay The FUOYE Fresher Season 2 Episode 12