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There are 60 questions which you are to answer in 30 minutes that gives you roughly 30 seconds per question.


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If you can get at least 60%, you can be rest assured that you’ll ace CVE 204 exam




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60 – 69 B


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45 – 49 D


40 – 44 E


0 – 39 F


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❤️ Undergragra


CVE 204

1 / 60

1. A sample of metal weighs 219 gms in air, 180 gms in water and 120 gms in an Unkonwn fluid. Then which statement is correct about the density of the metal?

2 / 60

2. Moving train is an example of ____ load.

3 / 60

3. A rigid body is very slowly dropped on another body and a deflection δst occurs in the second body. If the rigid body be placed suddenly, the value of the impact factor will be:

4 / 60

4. Shear force is unbalanced _____ to the left or right of the section.

5 / 60

5. The product of either force of couple with the arm of couple is called

6 / 60

6. If a tangential force acts parallel to the surface of an object, the resulting internal force per unit area is known as __________.


7 / 60

7. A tensile test is performed on a round bar. After fracture, it has been found that the diameter remains approximately same at fracture. The material under test was

8 / 60

8. Find the strain of a brass rod of length 250mm which is subjected to a tensile load of 50kN when the extension of rod is equal to 0.3mm?

9 / 60

9. What is tensile strain?

10 / 60

10. The property of a material by which it can be beaten or rolled into thin plates is called _______

11 / 60

11. Example for cantilever beam is ______

12 / 60

12. What is the maximum shear force, when a cantilever beam is loaded with udl throughout?

13 / 60

13. Coloumb friction is the friction between

14 / 60

14. As the elastic limit reaches, tensile strain __________

15 / 60

15. For steel, the ultimate strength in shear as compared to ultimate strength in tension is:

16 / 60

16. Which of the following is not the unit of distance?

17 / 60

17. To avoid _____ stresses in beams, one end of the beam is placed on the rollers.

18 / 60

18. Sagging, the bending moment occurs at the _____ of the beam.

19 / 60

19. A tensile test was conducted on a steel bar. The gauge length of the bar was 10cm and the extension was 2mm. What will be the percentage elongation?

20 / 60

20. The weight of a body is due to

21 / 60

21. i) Strain is a fundamental behaviour of a material.
ii) Strain does not have a unit.

22 / 60

22. The lateral strain is ___________

23 / 60

23. The dimension of strain is?

24 / 60

24. U.D.L stands for?

25 / 60

25. A beam which extends beyond it supports can be termed as __________

26 / 60

26. The unit of force in S.I. units is ?

27 / 60

27. If section modulus of a beam is increased the bending stress in the beam will:


28 / 60

28. A steel cube, with all faces free to deform, has Young’s modulus, E, Poisson’s ratio, ν, and coefficient of thermal expansion, α. The pressure (hydrostatic stress) developed within the cube, when it is subjected to a uniform increase in temperature, ΔT, is given by

29 / 60

29. Determine the moment at fixed end.
The moment at fixed end is 80 kNm from the given diagram

30 / 60

30. _______ support develops support moment.

31 / 60

31. The loading and unloading response of a metal is shown in the figure. The elastic and plastic strains corresponding to 200 MPa stress, respectively, are

32 / 60

32. A solid cube is subjected to equal normal forces on all its faces. The volumetric strain will be x-times the linear strain in any of the three axes when?

33 / 60

33. If a piece of material neither expands nor contracts in volume when subjected to stresses, then the Poisson’s ratio must be

34 / 60

34. A rod 200cm long is subjected to an axial pull due to which it elongates about 2mm. Calculate the amount of strain?

35 / 60

35. The reactions at the rigid supports at A and B for the bar loaded as shown in the figure are respectively:

36 / 60

36. If a part is constrained to move and heated, it will develop

37 / 60

37. The property by which a body returns to its original shape after removal of the force is called __________

38 / 60

38. What is the bending moment at end supports of a simply supported beam?

39 / 60

39. The materials which have the same elastic properties in all directions are called _________

40 / 60

40. Some structural members subjected to a long time sustained loads deform progressively with time especially at elevated temperatures. What is such a phenomenon called?

41 / 60

41. The room-temperature stress (σ) -strain (ϵ) curves of four materials P, Q, R, and S are shown in the figure below. The material that behaves as a rigid perfectly plastic material is

42 / 60

42. Units of U.D.L?

43 / 60

43. What is tensile stress?

44 / 60

44. What the number that measures an object’s resistance to being deformed elastically when stress is applied to it?

45 / 60

45. Engineering strain of a mild steel sample is recorded as 0.100%. The true strain is


46 / 60

46. A member which does not regain its original shape after removal of the load producing deformation is said __________

47 / 60

47. Fixed beam is also known as __________

48 / 60

48. Find the elongation of an steel rod of 100mm length when it is subjected to a tensile strain of 0.005?

49 / 60

49. A tensile test was conducted on a mild steel bar. The diameter and the gauge length of bat was 3cm and 20cm respectively. The extension was 0.21mm. What is the value to strain?

50 / 60

50. The Y axis of centre of gravity of semicircular plate 1.32 m diameter from its base as shown in figure.

51 / 60

51. What kind of elastic materials are derived from a strain energy density function?

52 / 60

52. The total area under the stress-strain curve of a mild steel specimen tested up to failure under tension is a measure of its:


53 / 60

53. Maximum energy that a given component can absorb without undergoing any permanent deformation upto elastic limit is known as:

54 / 60

54. _______ is a horizontal structural member subjected to transverse loads perpendicular to its axis.

55 / 60

55. The diagram depicts _______ kind of beam.

56 / 60

56. Continuous beams are _________

57 / 60

57. The body will regain it is previous shape and size only when the deformation caused by the external forces, is within a certain limit. What is that limit?

58 / 60

58. What will be the variation in BMD for the diagram? [Assume l = 2m].
The variation in BMD for the diagram [Assume l = 2m] is Triangular

59 / 60

59. Given below diagram is ______ load.
Given below diagram is Uniformly varying load

60 / 60

60. Find the reaction at simple support A?
Find the reaction at simple support A in given figure

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The average score is 27%


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Ace aka Undergragra is a 500 Level Computer Engineering Student at the Federal University Oye-Ekiti. He is a passionate teacher, writer, educational consultant and educational informant.

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