Jay The FUOYE Fresher Season 1 Episode 7

Jay the FUOYE Fresher Episode 7
**Continued from last episode**
“I’m sorry, ma” I said sheepishly as all eyes were on me.
“You look sloven, did you……”
Can you guess the question she asked?
That question destroyed my first lecture… 😢
Who’s gon guess the question correctly?
Lol I’m so sure you guessed wrongly.
“You look sloven did you.. Um.. take your bath this morning? ”
What a bad way to start a day! Worse way to start a lecture…Â So far so good, this was my worst moment.
Then I did something stupid, the truth always sets you free but it’s fucking difficult, lying is the better option(lesser evil, 😂). But, I decided to say the truth…
“No, ma” I said looking at my shoes
“Mad oo!” a guy screamed from behind and the whole class laughed. A class of over 1500 students.
Then a guy with dreads like expired mop shouted “No be the guy wey one girl shenk for Oye be dis?”
“Aje! Na him o” another idiot shouted
Before I knew it, the whole class was rolling with laughter..
“The guy no bath. Na why that girl give am red card”
“Maybe na him bad breath chase the girl vomit! ” The whole class was making jest of me
“funn, what is smelling? Tacha in the building…”
“No na red card!”
Fuck me! I’ve heard enough, I was about walking out of the class when the lecturer shouted!
“That is enough”
But you know students now,they said one more thing and it made me run home.
“Abi Red card na Tacha brother, its like it runs in the family”
Have you seen a movie where a character gets wasted after having a lot to drink and the whole world starts to look like it’s crashing down?. .. That’s how I felt
The class was beyond control and the lecturer walked out of the class. Some book worms chased and started begging her. Did she come back? Well, I don’t know about that.
Immediately I got home, I slept off.. I cannot come and kill myself.
After the humiliation of that day, I thought I wasn’t going to go to school again but, I woke by 6 on Thursday with determination.
” I can do this” I said to myself
My neighbours woke up around the same time with me..
Let me introduce them
Here we have Kayode a. k. a. Mr. Kay and the guy who can cook better than any lady I’ve seen, Taye.
My other neighbours were yet to resume including that lady I saw the day my dad brought me to school.
I, Mr Kay and Taye got to school by 6:45, we entered the school like a gang. We walked majestically only to enter the class and guess what?
I’m sorry I like making you guys guess too much..
My thumbs need to rest for a while, I’ll continue soon
So far so good, what do you like and hate about the story?
Who is your favourite character?
I remain Ace
Jay The FUOYE Fresher Season 1
To read Season 2 Click here