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6 Ways To Find Hidden Friends on Facebook in 2022| Read Now

How To See Private Friends on Facebook Easily

hidden facebook friends

Do you want to see hidden friends on Facebook? Then this article is for you.

Facebook is technically the most popular social media network due to the fact that it has the largest user pool of about 2 billion users. So it’s possible that you might need to view someone’s hidden friend’s list one day.

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Facebook has a range of features that its management always looks to improve as time goes on and this is what makes Facebook one of the most used applications in the social media world.

 But, this hiding of account is one of the modifications of the Facebook features but there are also some tricks to be able to see hidden friends list on Facebook.

In the next few minutes, I’m going to show you how you can see someone’s hidden friends on Facebook. If you noticed, so many Facebook users have started hiding friends cos of the fear of cloned accounts and for privacy issues.

Just grab a bottle of coke, sit back and relax..

I know a lot of people want to see those private or do I say hidden Facebook friends.

How To See Someone’s Hidden Facebook Friends

1. Use the Friend Finder

First method I will recommend in revealing hidden friends or Facebook is the “Friend finder method”. With this approach you can identify the close friend list of an individual on Facebook. But you need to have at least one shared link with the person whose friend list you intend to view. With the Friend Finder Page, you can see the mutual friend list between that individual you are targeting and the common link that you share.

  •  Login to Facebook and search for the ‘Friend Finder Page’.
  •  As you keep scrolling the page, you will come across the mutual friends section
  • Now, find the name of the individual whose friend list you want to see. You can see the person you both mutually know.

2.  Graph Search

This method is the easiest way to see someone’s private Facebook Friends.If you want to find the find list of a certain individual, you can make the most of the Chart Search feature from Facebook. For example, let’s say that you want to view the hidden friend list of Mark who resides in Chicago and works at Facebook. Then you should input ‘people working at Facebook and living in Chicago’ in the search bar. This will give you a list of individuals who can possibly be on Mark’s friend list. This Facebook feature filters individuals based on the keywords that you insert.

3. Facebook Friend Mapper extension

Now this method of seeing private private Facebook friends requires you to first install the Friend Mapper extension to your web browser. It is a very efficient and automated method of finding the hidden friend list of your targeted individual.

  •  Go to Google Chrome and install the Facebook Friend Mapper extension.
  •   Now log in to your Facebook account, head over to the targeted individual’s account and enable the extension. Once done, you will have another tab ‘Reveal friends’ available.
  •  When you click on the tab, the extension automatically starts scanning data and gives you the entire friend list.

4. Identify Mutual Friends

The first and easy method to view hidden the friend list of some individuals using the mutual friend’s feature.

Open the Facebook app.

Find the ID of the hidden friend’s profile.

Also, collect the ID of your mutual friend.

Insert the IDs in the given URL.

You will a list of hidden mutual friends.

URL to Use:

As you enter this compiled URL in the search bar, you can see all the hidden mutual friend list of these two users.

private facebook friends

5. Another Method

Log in to Facebook and then open the profile page of the friend of the Facebook user you want to see.

Open any person created post or image, find “fbid =” copy the number after it but end before the “&” character.

Open a new tab and paste https://www. change the number between “SEARCH/……/ friends in the previous one you have copied.

Press the enter key to search and the person list of hidden friends on Facebook will show.

With these steps, you can view the hidden friends’ list of Facebook users and search for who you are looking for on your user’s friends list. You should also be aware that there is another google extension called “Facebook friend mapper” that can also be used to see someone’s friends list if hidden from you.

6.Social Revealer

The last but not the least on the ways to see hidden friends on Facebook is using the Social Revealer. You have to understand that a friend list on Facebook that has been hidden can still be accessed and viewed. However, you are required to own a Facebook account because before you can access the social media platform you need access to a Facebook account.

Once provision has been made for that, you can now proceed on your quest on how to see someone’s hidden friends on Facebook. You will need a Personal Computer with Google Chrome installed on it, then follow the steps below;

  • Visit the Google Chrome web store and install ‘Social Revealer’
  • After installation, open your Facebook account by logging in at
  • Proceed to the profile of the person’s friends list you want to see.
  • Now open the ‘’Social Revealer” extension and click on “See Friends”
  • A new tab showing the Facebook user’s Facebook friend list will be opened.

So these steps mentioned above will help you easily see someone’s hidden friends list as well as mutual friends. It should also be noted that there is another Google Chrome extension such as “Facebook Friend Mapper” that can be used to complete the task of seeing someone’s hidden friends on Facebook. Basically, when someone hides their friend’s list from you or the public in general, this is a way around to get to see those hidden friend list.

Thanks for reading how to see hidden friends on Facebook..



Phil aka Undergragra is a Computer Engineering Graduate at the Federal University Oye-Ekiti. He is a lover of God, a passionate teacher, writer and an educational consultant.

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