Diary of a Fuoye SU Babe Episode 15|Final Episode

Thief o thief o’ we shouted as some guys began to chase after the thief, after a long chase they gave up as the thief was out of sight..
Teni was crying that her newly bought infinix S4 is gone, I asked Teni if the pictures are on the other girls phone but I was surprised at her response
“you dey craze e be like say something dey walk for your head, dey thief my phone u no follow me reason how I go take see my phone nah pictures concern u abi, abi u wan make God punish u for me” she said
“TENI wetin I do wey dey make u swear for me like dis nah” I asked
She was about slapping me when a hand restricted her from doing so I was already holding my cheer awaiting the slap, when it wasn’t coming forth I looked up to see what happened then I saw Ruth holding Teni’s hand.
I ran to Ruth’s side and hugged her tight, Teni dragged me back and pushed me away from her side…
“What is going on between the two of you, just try to calm yourselves down all eyes are on you o” Ruth said
“No Ruth Lemme deal with this witch e be like say e no no who she dey follow yab” teni said breathing heavily
“How did you know my name? Ruth asked Teni
“E go better for you o Omo Iya Mii, Shebi nah on my own I dey jeje before this thing call my number say she wan revenge on a friend who betrayed her wey dey bear Ruth ” Teni said
“I don’t understand Tolani, which Ruth is she talking about, which revenge, which betrayal? ” Ruth asked
“Make I dey talk dey go nah” Teni cut in
“please go on” Ruth told her A dark skinned guy came to Ruth’s side and hugged her, from the look of things he seems to be the guy Ruth is dating now..
“Nah so she tell me say make I help her teach u lesson o na in me I con bring advice say make we lure u somewhere and….” TENI narrated everything that happened to her
“as dey con thief my phone she no even tell me sorry nah d pictures she dey ask for”
“oh my goodness, Tolani what revenge are you talking about, how have I betrayed you, how could you go this far to hurt me ”
“I read every damm thing you wrote in your diary, and I’m taking revenge because of what you had with Noah ” I cried out
“Tolani you gat to be kidding me cos firstly you have no right to intrude on my privacy which is my diary, secondly if you had not read my diary you could not have been stressing yourself on what is not necessary because I didn’t have sex with your boyfriend, and if at all you want to revenge on anyone it should be your boyfriend because he was the one who tried to sleep with me, despite the fact that I was very bad that year because of the love I have for you which I couldn’t betray I resisted Noah, and there is nothing my new boyfriend Austin doesn’t know about me, I’ve told him my past.. Tola I’ve repented long time ago that’s why I stopped writing in my diary if not I would take it along with me, you’ve gone too far by trying to destroy my relationship, you are a bad friend I hate you” Ruth cried
“It’s okay baby let’s just give God the glory at least the devil Tried to part us but God avenged for us, the Bible said only with our eyes shall we see and behold the reward of the wicked they shall not come near us, if not for Jesus intervention we could have been saying a different story by now cos I wouldn’t have taken it likely if they had accomplished their mission by sending me those pictures, but all the same we return all glory to God” Austin, Ruth boyfriend said..
“I’m sorry Ruth please forgive me it was the devil” I pleaded
“Devil my foot, well, we do pray that the Lord should forgive us our sins as we forgive those who trespass against us, I’ve forgiven you but we can’t live in the same room in school again cos I will find it difficult to trust you, and I will also advice you to give your life to Christ ” Ruth said
I cried bitterly and regretted every of my action….
This story was written by Princessboy12…I saw her post on Nairaland and felt you guys need to read it
Hope some lessons were learnt
It is a interesting story
Thank you for stopping by.