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There are 40 questions which you are to answer in 15 minutes that gives you roughly 30 seconds per question.

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If you can get at least 60%, you can be rest assured that you’ll ace GST 202 exam


In a normal exam you will be asked between 40 – 60 questions but I only arranged 40 questions




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Don’t be scared. Getting an A is easy

Don’t be over confident, you can end up a D, E or F. Calm your blood, no be only you sabi book

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70 – 100 A


60 – 69 B


50 – 59 C


45 – 49 D


40 – 44 E


0 – 39 F


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❤️ Undergragra

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Created on By Ace/Undergragra

GST 202

1 / 40

1. There are over ______ different languages in use everyday in Nigeria



2 / 40

2. The assumption and guide manager's dealing with their employees is



3 / 40


Bypassing can be reduced by ________



4 / 40

4. _________ see conflicts as highly contingent on the emergence of charismatic leaders who could mobilize subordinate



5 / 40

5. African union and Pan- African treaty was signed in ________



6 / 40

6. The Following are element required to structure analysis of stake holders except



7 / 40

7. The treaty establishing ECOWAS was signed in _______



8 / 40

8. One of these is not a member of Monrovia group



9 / 40

9. The organs in the African Union are


The organs in the African Union are



10 / 40

10. All but one is not important in timing in pre- intervertion conflict analysis



11 / 40

11. When stake holders begin to have a rethink, shift ground and need for dialogue recognised and efforts are made towards attaining relative peace

12 / 40

12. Barriers to social perception are as follows except



13 / 40

13. ECOWAS was established in _______



14 / 40

14. The organisation of African Unity (OAU) was born in _____



15 / 40

15. The treaty that established ECOWAS was signed in what year ______



16 / 40

16. The first stage of conflict whereby the problem emerges and acts or things or situation that were previously ignored and taken for granted now turn to serious issues is called



17 / 40

17. Causes of conflict frame work are the following except one



18 / 40

19 / 40

19. Timeline is not a reserach tool per say but a way to prompt discussion and learning.



20 / 40

20. The Evolution of European Union has its roots in the post ________ politics of Western Europe



21 / 40

21. The Monovoria group charter was signed in _______



22 / 40

22. The objectives of OAU are



23 / 40

23. _____ is the great social philosopher opines that the degree of inequality in the distribution of resources generate inherent conflict of interest.



24 / 40

24. The West African sub region were colonised by



25 / 40

25. A treaty recommending the creation of African Union and the Pan-African parliament was signed in the year _______



26 / 40

26. One of these is not categories of Stake holders



27 / 40

27. ______ is the process, which involve monitoring, observing and recording the trend of change and continuity in the conflict process



28 / 40

28. The former occupier of the exalted office of Secretary General was _______



29 / 40

29. ______ is defined as that set of activities associated with any given position in an organisation



30 / 40

30. Casablanca group charter was signed in on January 7th ______



31 / 40

31. To advance the development of the Continent by promoting research is not part of the objective of all



32 / 40

32. ________ introduces to the theory of conflict the view of productive and constructive conflict.

33 / 40

33. All but one Is not important of early warning



34 / 40

34. The International labour congress( ILO) wIth its head quarters in



35 / 40

35. There are two key propelling variables in conflict cycle: opportunity and willingness



36 / 40

36. Which of the following is not a features of the Parliamentary System of Government?



37 / 40

37. United Nations International Children's Educational Fund (UNICEF) set up in ______



38 / 40

38. One of these is not true



39 / 40

39. ________ in this theory states that ego tends like whom his friend, but dislike whom his enemy like



40 / 40

40. ________ is defined as a community of people who have the conviction that they behave a common identity and common fate based on issues on origin and shared language



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The average score is 43%



Phil aka Undergragra is a Computer Engineering Graduate at the Federal University Oye-Ekiti. He is a lover of God, a passionate teacher, writer and an educational consultant.

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Thanks for this

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