We at the Undergragra Community noticed that most undergraduates have no way of making money. It’s a really serious issue because of so many reasons, you can’t always be dependent on your parents because they also have their financial ups and downs, you might need something urgently and they won’t be able to provide it at that time and because you don’t have any skill, you have nothing to fall back on. I have been chatted by random students on several occasions, asking for money like 500 naira for important things because they have no way of providing for themselves.
The 5 Skill Jackpot is a program that was designed to equip over 1000 students with 5 money making skills that can be done on their smartphone. We even advertised the class on this site, this Undergragra Community Presents “The 5 Skill Jackpot” is the link to the article .
We had a demo run of the class but even though it was free, we got only 300 members, that’s less than half of our aim, now we’re trying to advertise and get people to register for the masterclass but we’ve gotten only few people to register. Money might be vanity but we all know it is very important in life, if you want to survive and live comfortably.
If you see this article, I would urge you to register for our masterclass, it’ll be very helpful.
Click here for more information.
strong>THANK YOU