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10 ways to make money as a Student in Nigeria

10 ways to make money as a Student in Nigeria

To be honest being broke is like the worst situation any student can find his/her self in. Have you ever been so broke and even broke guys call you broke? How can you make money as a student legitimately? How can you make money without becoming an internet fraudster?

 In this post I’ll be giving 10 ways to make money as a student in Nigeria.

Table of Contents

  1.  Using your talent/skill

  • Drawing
  • Writing
  • Singing
  • Stand -up Comedy
  • Dancing
  • Photography
  • Tailoring
  • Bead Making
  • Hairdressing/Barbing
  • Catering Services
  • Web Designing
  • Dry  Cleaning

ü  Learn something new

ü  Giving Tutorials/Helping out with projects and assignment

ü  Become a freelancer/freelance  writing

ü  Whatsapp  Tv

ü  Blogging & Affliate  Marketing

ü  Become an Agent(Housing Agent,Jumia  Agent)

ü  Recharge  Card  Business

ü  Dropshipping

ü Dry Cleaning

ü  Using your talent/skill

                     Your gift will make a way for you, to be honest with you….never be scared of showing the world who you really are(now Im sounding like a motivational speaker right?) Below I listed  some skills that is common but so many people are scared  to do it in school. If you are scared  then you are not ready to make money as a student in Nigeria.

Believe  me Nigeria is in deep shit right now, all that will help you is what you have within you

  • Drawing – Can you draw? A lot of people are making tons of cash drawing and painting. Study more about drawing like hyperrealism etc. All you need is one solid drawing to change your life ..
  • Writing – Oh mehn! Can you write? Has your ink finished? You need to refill it and start writing again. There are so many ways your writing skills can be useful. Have  you heard of Seyi Babs?He is a student of Fuoye  and author of (30 things mama never thought me)

Check this out

How to survive as a student 

Friends in love episode 1

Finally Free Episode 1

Friends in love episode 2

  • Singing-  Do you have a nice voice? How well can you sing? If you can sing let everyone Know. Yeah I get, at some point its going to be like a disturbance. All you need is one hit! (One free advice, try to sing songs relating to situation around the country and please  have a side hustle.
  • Stand -up Comedy – Shit! Some  guys have this talent, their looks alone can be really hilarious,  you will need people like this when undergoing emotional stress.  This one super cool way to make money online in Nigeria
  • Dancing- We have seen so many dancers make it,another thing is.. you need to be creative just like a course mate of mine,”Sexy Dancer”, The name sexy dancer comes from the way he dances, he has this extremely flexible body that makes him do things the normal human can’t do.
  • Photography – Can you hold a digital camera perfectly? Can you take super cool shots , why not start taking shots during Matriculation Ceremonies,Convocation Ceremonies e.t.c

I grab , the  issue most aspiring photographers face is the money needed to get a digital camera. Start saving, it might be difficult for now but its actually worth it.

  • Tailoring –You can make money as a student in Nigeria  being a  tailor or fashion designer as many call it. I don’t think I need to talk much on this, there must be a difference between you an the uneducated. You are not just a tailor but a fashion designer.BE INNOVATIVE…

Just take a look at (AY)Ayo Makun ‘s younger brother and how is story changed. Read about him here, his name is Yomi Casual

·         Bead Making – Bead making still pays ,all you need is the right audience,I wont lie to you,  anything sells in school

·         Hairdressing/Barbing –  Can you barb or plait hair perfectly or can you even do both? Chill let me guess, you are to big for it right? And you want to make money as a student in Nigeria? Your  gift/talent/skill will make a way  for you

·         Catering Services -Can you bake,cook or fry stuffs perfectly, believe me you need to start thinking deeper on how you can expand.Start baking for birthday parties etc.

·         Web Designing – Can you design or develop websites properly? Start making people around know what you can do. In School there are so many young entrepreneurs looking for a good website for their businesses you just have to connect(link).

·         Dry Cleaning-  There are a lot of people  who in school who are actually too lazy or probably too tired to wash their clothes. One good way to  make money as a student in Nigeria is Dry Cleaning.

·         Others are Painting etc

ü  Learn something new

Asuu strike is now like a yearly  thing and the sad  truth is most students waste it. I wont be talking much on these  though, if you want  to  money as a student in Nigeria , you need to realize that there are no jobs out there so you need  to learn a skill just like the ones listed  above . You can go ahead  and learn coding(link) or take courses online like on Udemy

           To read


ü  Giving Tutorials/Helping out with projects and assignment

 Are you super smart but still broke?  You can organise tutorials and get paid for it.  Organizing tutorials especially for freshmen is very juicy.. Freshers are still naive to a lot of things, creating tutorials for them  will rake in cash for you trust me. All you need to do is get a group of people who are just like you. Giving tutorials and helping out with assignments is like the easiest way to make money as a student  in Nigeria if you are smart So many final year students need people to help them with their projects or it could even be a group project, offer to help, the moment people realise your value ,they will start calling  you.

read online ways to make money 

ü  Become a freelancer/freelance  writing

This is one cool way to make money as a student in Nigeria but many people discard it.How well can you write? Why don’t you try connecting with people on the internet ,there  are so many sites in need of writers. From the comfort of your room you can make  so much cash.

ü  Whatsapp  Tv

To own a whatsapp  you need data. Instead  of you wasting your data on Instagram or youtube  ,you can start a whatsapp  tv, over time  after you’ve  built a large number of contacts you can start advertising. 

ü  Blogging ,Vlogging & Affliate  Marketing

Blogging,Vlogging,Affliate  Marketing and  let me add one  more thing “Content Marketing”

Let  me guess , you are like what is this guy saying? Let me  break it down.

A  blog(link) is a discussion or information website  ,it consists of web pages. The  major difference between a website and   a blog is , a blog(weblog) is constantly updated.

Vlogging comes from the  words  Video  and Blogging. So  who is a Vlogger ? A Vlogger  is someone who makes Videos and posts them online e.g on youtube. It is always in form of  a tutorial or it could be a new phone review..People are making lots of cash through it. You can read up more about it online.

Affliate Marketing just simply means ,you connecting with a company to help them sell their products, that’s why many bloggers engage in affiliate marketing cos they already have an avenue to sell.

Content Marketing Simply means you selling something you know that others don’t.

I am a blogger and  I am proud of it, now I call myself a Ceo , lol cos that’s what I am. Most bloggers in Nigeria are students or started  blogging as a student e.g Naijaloaded etc

You see  those ads flying around my site? That’s how I make my cash. You can to by connecting with me using the comment box. You can also advertise  your products on my site by using the official contact form here, above all reasonable doubt I can prove to you that Blogging is a way  to  make money as a student in Nigeria

Please read,why students should blog 

Find a niche you are  good at and start blogging 

ü  Become an Agent(Housing Agent,Jumia  Agent)

Jumia is like the  no1 online shop in Africa right now and as their  business expands they are always in need of agents. What do the agents do? They just help people make  payments for people and they help Jumia  get more  customers

          You can also  be an housing agent,  housing agents make a lot of cash in school.        

           Infact to  me it is the no 1 way to make money as a student in Nigeria

ü  Recharge  Card  Business

I am sure  you have seen this severally, when I said  recharge  card  business I didn’t mean selling cards like everyone does but making it totally online. You can start with  as low as #5000. This is one huge way to make money as a student in Nigeria.

ü  Dropshipping

Drop shipping is a very lucrative business and  the sad  thing is, so many people are  yet to know about it.A lot of people purchase  things on  Alieexpress,Amazon,  and  so and  so  forth. Now instead of buying that phone or bad or shoe from Lagos ,you can buy it directly from China. So many students  have  made  it doing this and  I personally know one student who has made it through dropshipping and she is even a lady.

ü  Social Media Influencer

A social media influencer is basically a popular figure on the internet. I don’t k now whether to call them  Social media bloggers or just simply influencers , there  is one popular Instagram blogger, Tunde  Ednut(Although not a student he has made it in his own way. There  are many Social Media Influenecers around, I can name some in my school that have  made it in their own way,Shybloger Pr  , he even recently got signed by Opera news hub(link)etc .

How do they make  their money? People pay them money  to  make their businesses or anything trend . This is probably the coolest way to make  money as a student in Nigeria.

 Here  we have  it, blogging works for me , try to find out what will work for you, please don’t try not to be a jack of all trades.

Nigeria is in a sorry state  that is why  you  need to find a way, don’t do things the same way and expect a change.

Consistency and  Hardwork is Key to making money as a student in Nigeria , even if you can do all the 10  ways to make  money as a student in Nigeria I listed,  you will still be broke. Are you not tired  of playing bet9ja or depending on that broke boy or you want to do yahoo? Yahoo boys also work  hard!

I am  Ace



Phil aka Undergragra is a Computer Engineering Graduate at the Federal University Oye-Ekiti. He is a lover of God, a passionate teacher, writer and an educational consultant.

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