Home/CBT TEST/Biology JAMB MOCK TEST CBT TEST Biology JAMB MOCK TEST Phil Follow on Twitter Send an email April 24, 2023Last Updated: April 24, 20230 270 Less than a minute 0 votes, 0 avg 42 Created on April 24, 2023 By Ace/Undergragra JAMB MOCK BIOLOGY 1 / 40 1. The organ situated in the pericardia cavity of a mammal is the Related Articles MAC 213 CBT PRACTICE January 21, 2025 ENG 203 CBT PRACTICE January 21, 2025 LIT 109 CBT PRACTICE January 20, 2025 A. Spleen B. Heart C. Liver D. Stomach 2 / 40 2. One basic similarity between nervous and endocrine system is that they both A. transmit very fast impulses B. produce precise and short-lived effect C. produce widespread effects D. involve the use of chemical substances 3 / 40 3. An increase in air pressure in the lungs is due to the A. relaxation of the diaphragm B. contraction of the intercostal musles C. upward movement of the ribs D. increase in the volume of the thoracic cavity 4 / 40 4. The product of excretion common to the mammalian kidney, lung and skin is A. water B. carbon (IV) oxide C. mineral salt D. urea 5 / 40 5. Night-blindness result from a deficiency of A. Vitamin A B. Vitamin E C. Vitamin K D. Vitamin C 6 / 40 6. A tissue is composed of a group of A. Tissues B. systems C. similar cells D. related organs 7 / 40 7. The population of different organisms that exist together in a habitat is called A. biomes B. ecology C. biosphere D. community 8 / 40 8. Which of the following serves as the brain box in man A. spinal column B. skull C. skeleton D. head 9 / 40 9. Which organ removes the largest amount of excess water from the body? A. Liver B. Kidney C. Skin D. Lung 10 / 40 10. The following parts are involved in breathing process, except A. Ribs B. mouth C. Diaphragm D. nostrils 11 / 40 11. An example of an endospermous seed is A. Cashew nut B. Bean seed C. Maize grain D. Cotton seed 12 / 40 12. Which of the following theories was NOT considered by Darwin in his evolutionary theory? A. Variation B. use and disuse C. survival of the fitest D. Competition 13 / 40 13. Which of the following protects the essential parts of the flower at bud stage? A. Stamens B. Sepals C. Carpels D. Petals 14 / 40 14. which of the following is an agent of a sexually transmitted disease? A. Salmonella typhi B. Clostridium tetani C. Entamoeba histolytica D. Treponema pallidum 15 / 40 15. Which of the following animals has homodont dentition? A. Pigeon B. Rat C. Lizard D. Man 16 / 40 16. Which of the following conditions is NOT necessary for photosynthesis to take place? A. Carbon(II)oxide B. Carbon(IV)oxide C. ChlorophyII D. Light 17 / 40 17. The insects in which the maxillae are modified into a long coiled proboscis is A. butterfly B. Mosquito C. housefly D. grasshopper 18 / 40 18. When a cell is placed in solution and the size of the cell increases, the concentration of solution is said to be A. hypertonic B. hypotonic C. dilute D. isotonic 19 / 40 19. Which of the following plant hormone is responsible for ripening of fruits? A. Gibberellins B. Ethylene C. Abscisic acid D. Cytokinins 20 / 40 20. The ability of a living organism to detect and respond to changes in the environment is referred to as A. Growth B. locomotion C. irritability D. taxis 21 / 40 21. Which of the following is NOT regarded as a pollutant on land or in the air? A. Nitrogen B. Smoke C. Sulphur di oxide D. Noise 22 / 40 22. When the original king and queen of termites die, they are replaced by A. some adult workers which are specially fed to breed B. developing nymphs nurtured as secondary reproductives C. some adult reproductives from the same colony D. the king and queen of another colony 23 / 40 23. The initial volume of water poured into a bag of dry soil was 50ml and the amount that drained through was 35mI. The percentage water content of the fully soaked soil is therefore? A. 46.7 B. 30 C. 25 D. 20 24 / 40 24. In demonstrating the importance of mineral elements in plants, the culture bottle must be darkened to? A. allow root growth B. prevent breakdown of mineral elements C. prevent algal growth in culture solution D. prevents photosynthesis in the root 25 / 40 25. In the mammalian respiratory system. exchange of gases occurs in the? A. alveoli B. Bronchi C. lungs D. bronchioles 26 / 40 26. Which of the statements below is not characteristic of wind-pollinated flowers? A. The flowers are not scented B. The pollen grains have rough spiny surfaces C. Nectary is usually absent D. Stigmas are usually large and feathery 27 / 40 27. Some of the features of an animal are scales, teeth, nares, and backbone. The animal is likely to be a? A. Toad B. Rat C. Lizard D. Bird 28 / 40 28. Choose the sequence which represents the correct order of organisms in a food chain A. Grass, snake, grasshopper, toad, hawk B. Grass, grasshopper, snake, toad, hawk. C. Grass, grasshopper, toad, snake, hawk D. Grass, snake, toad, grasshopper, hawk 29 / 40 29. Flatworms and roundworms are said to be invertebrates because? A. they can live inside the vertebrates B. some of them are unicellular C. they are small animals D. they have no backbone 30 / 40 30. When a Spirogyra cell is immersed in a salt solution more concentrated than its cell sap, it? A. remains unchanged B. takes tip water and burst C. absorbs a little water D. loses water and shrivels 31 / 40 31. Pentadactyl plan of the fore limbs of frog, bird, horse, whale and man is a proof of? A. spontaneous generation B. evolution C. Locomotion D. Creation 32 / 40 32. The body of a snail is divided into head? A. visceral mass and abdomen B. visceral mass and foot C. thorax and abdomen D. thorax and foot 33 / 40 33. An adaptation for defense in animals is? A. basking in lizard B. croaking of a male toad C. spines in porcupine fish D. huddling together of penguins 34 / 40 34. The movement of Euglena towards the source of light is a? A. nastic movement B. tactic movement C. kinetic movement D. tropic movement 35 / 40 35. The waste product of insects is? A. uric acid B. Sweat C. Urine D. Mucilage 36 / 40 36. During mitosis, the stage at which chromosomes lines up around the equator is? A. Prophase B. telophase C. Metasphase D. Anaphase 37 / 40 37. The part that performs urinogenital function in the male reproductive system is the? A. Urethra B. seminal vesacle C. Ureter D. Epidydymis 38 / 40 38. The components of blood in man are? A. red blood cells, white blood cells, and plasma B. red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma and platelets C. red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets D. red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma and water 39 / 40 39. The movement of sugars from the leaf to other parts of plant is? A. Transportation B. guttation C. Translocation D. Transpiration 40 / 40 40. Gaseous exchange in annelids is more advanced and efficient compared to flatworms because? A. their cylindrical shape gives high surface area to volume ratio B. the cells of their epidermis have no blood capillaries C. their surface area to volume ratio is very low D. they have well developed respiratory structures Your score isThe average score is 44% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz Related posts: GST 105 CBT TEST EXAM MODE FUOYE GST 101 CBT PRACTICE (New Questions Added) BIO 101 CBT PRACTICE TEST Physics JAMB MOCK TEST Phil Follow on Twitter Send an email April 24, 2023Last Updated: April 24, 20230 270 Less than a minute Share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Tumblr Pinterest Reddit VKontakte Odnoklassniki Pocket WhatsApp Telegram Share via Email Print