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Take your time to read instructions before taking this test.

There are 40 questions which you are to answer in 15 minutes that gives you roughly 30 seconds per question.

If you can get at least 60%, you can be rest assured that you’ll ace MAC 205 exam

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In a normal exam you will be asked between 40 – 60 questions but I only arranged 40 questions


  • Do not be in a hurry to answer the questions
  • Do not waste time on a question you don’t know
  • Move as fast as possible and starting with questions that don’t have calculation first to save time
  • Always crosscheck
  • Don’t be in a hurry to submit, you are not in a competition
  • Don’t be scared. Getting an A is easy
  • Don’t be over confident, you can end up a D, E or F. Calm your blood, no be only you sabi book

Please do well to use our comment box incase there’s a message you want to pass to us

70 – 100 A

60 – 69 B

50 – 59 C

45 – 49 D

40 – 44 E

0 – 39 F

I wish you success

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❤️ Undergragra

MAC 205


1 / 40

1. What does Gerbner's cultivation theory emphasize?

2 / 40

2. Which theory focuses on the engaged recipient in a political community?

3 / 40

3. What is the main focus of the uses and gratification theory?

4 / 40

4. What does the authoritarian theory advocate for?

5 / 40

5. Who introduced the agenda-setting theory?

6 / 40

6. What does the Lasswell model question “Says what?” refer to?

7 / 40

7. What is the first step in developing a theory?

8 / 40

8. Who criticized the Shannon-Weaver model for its linear assumption?

9 / 40

9. Which normative theory emphasizes the press's obligations to society?

10 / 40

10. What is the role of opinion leaders in the two-step flow theory?

11 / 40

11. What is the focus of the cultivation theory?

12 / 40

12. What is the primary concern of the social responsibility theory?

13 / 40

13. What does the Berlo’s SMCR model focus on?

14 / 40

14. Which characteristic of a theory allows it to change over time?

15 / 40

15. According to Daramola, what is a theory?

16 / 40

16. Who developed the two-step flow theory?

17 / 40

17. What theory suggests media should contribute to national development?

18 / 40

18. What is the main focus of mass communication theories?

19 / 40

19. What is a key feature of democratic-participant theory?

20 / 40

20. What does the agenda-setting theory claim?

21 / 40

21. Which model is described as an interrogatory model?

22 / 40

22. What is the primary focus of interaction models?

23 / 40

23. What does selective retention mean?

24 / 40

24. What does the gatekeeping theory describe?

25 / 40

25. Who proposed the McNelly’s model of news flow?

26 / 40

26. Who proposed the four original normative theories of the press?

27 / 40

27. What is a shortcoming of most communication models?

28 / 40

28. What does selective exposure describe?

29 / 40

29. Who introduced the diffusion of innovations theory?

30 / 40

30. Which factor influences gatekeeping conditions?

31 / 40

31. What is the purpose of a communication model?

32 / 40

32. What is the main idea of the libertarian theory?

33 / 40

33. Which model was developed by Shannon and Weaver?

34 / 40

34. Which theory examines media's role in promoting literacy and job creation?

35 / 40

35. What is the central idea of the uses and gratification theory?

36 / 40

36. Which model emphasizes feedback in communication?

37 / 40

37. What is the main goal of Newcomb’s ABX model?

38 / 40

38. What is the main criticism of the hypodermic needle theory?

39 / 40

39. Which theory is described as a circular communication model?

40 / 40

40. What does the hypodermic needle theory imply about audiences?

Your score is

The average score is 61%



Phil aka Undergragra is a Computer Engineering Graduate at the Federal University Oye-Ekiti. He is a lover of God, a passionate teacher, writer and an educational consultant.

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