Take your time to read instructions before taking this test.

There are 40 questions which you are to answer in 15 minutes that gives you roughly 30 seconds per question.

If you can get at least 60%, you can be rest assured that you’ll ace ELS 201 exam


In a normal exam you will be asked between 40 – 60 questions but I only arranged 40 questions


Do not be in a hurry to answer the questions

Do not waste time on a question you don’t know

Move as fast as possible and starting with questions that don’t have calculation first to save time

Always crosscheck

Don’t be in a hurry to submit, you are not in a competition

Don’t be scared. Getting an A is easy

Don’t be over confident, you can end up a D, E or F. Calm your blood, no be only you sabi book

Please do well to use our comment box incase there’s a message you want to pass to us

70 – 100 A

60 – 69 B

50 – 59 C

45 – 49 D

40 – 44 E

0 – 39 F

I wish you success


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❤️ Undergragra

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Created on By Ace/Undergragra

FRN 201

1 / 30

1. Ola ---- de ces trios amis.

2 / 30

2. J ai un ami ---- ami est gentil.

3 / 30

3. Je pense toujours

4 / 30

4. Fill in the blank space with the correct demonstrative adjective ___ gomme est gris.

5 / 30

5. Complete with the correct possessive adjective. Voici l'ami de Kola et Bola. C'est --- ami

A. Son




6 / 30

6. La robe est tr

7 / 30

7. ----dictionnaire est sur la table.

8 / 30

8. Complete with the correct possessive adjective. Voici l'ami de Kola et Bola. C'est --- ami

9 / 30

9. Le directeur de la banque est Libre.

10 / 30

10. Je connais l'hôtel Lucia ; j'---- vais tous les soirs.

11 / 30

11. Papa va ____ Bénin.

12 / 30

12. Nous achetons une belle voiture.

13 / 30

13. Le général Mohammadu Buhari est le président ___

14 / 30

14. Mongo Beti est un grand écrivain africain. On a beaucoup ---- ses romans.

15 / 30

15. Complete this sentence with the correct form of the verb 'aller' conjugated in future simple: Babatunde ___ à l'église demain.

16 / 30

16. Ola ---- de ces trios amis.

17 / 30

17. J ai deux fr

18 / 30

18. Papa va ____ Bénin.

19 / 30

19. Complete this sentence with teh correct preposition : La maison est près --- l'école.

20 / 30

20. Hier soir, mes amis sont ---- chez moi

21 / 30

21. Mademoiselle B

22 / 30

22. Conjugate the verb 'aller' in passé compose. Hier soir, mon père ___ au marché.

23 / 30

23. Cette fille-ci est gentille ---- est m

24 / 30

24. Amina est petite

25 / 30

25. Je vais

26 / 30


Voilà ce ---- je déteste.


27 / 30

27. Fill in the blank space with the correct demonstrative adjective ___ gomme est gris.

28 / 30

28. Complete this sentence with the correct form of the verb 'aller' conjugated in future simple: Babatunde ___ à l'église demain.

29 / 30

29. Ces gar

30 / 30

30. Conjugate the verb 'aller' in passé compose. Hier soir, mon père ___ au marché.

Your score is

The average score is 15%




Ace aka Undergragra is a Computer Engineering Graduate at the Federal University Oye-Ekiti. He is a passionate teacher, writer, educational consultant, and educational informant.
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