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Take your time to read instructions before taking this test.

There are 40 questions which you are to answer in 15 minutes that gives you roughly 30 seconds per question.

If you can get at least 60%, you can be rest assured that you’ll ace POL 103 exam

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In a normal exam you will be asked between 40 – 60 questions but I only arranged 40 questions



  • Do not be in a hurry to answer the questions
  • Do not waste time on a question you don’t know
  • Move as fast as possible and starting with questions that don’t have calculation first to save time
  • Always crosscheck
  • Don’t be in a hurry to submit, you are not in a competition
  • Don’t be scared. Getting an A is easy
  • Don’t be over confident, you can end up a D, E or F. Calm your blood, no be only you sabi book
  • Please do well to use our comment box incase there’s a message you want to pass to us

70 – 100 A

60 – 69 B

50 – 59 C

45 – 49 D

40 – 44 E

0 – 39 F

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❤️ Undergragra

POL 103

1 / 40

1. Nigeria became a social

_state after the

inauguration of the

independent Constitution in


2 / 40

2. Copy - Habeas Corpus not only

punishes wrong doers but --


3 / 40

3. The coordinating feature in

public administration apart

from inter-relating various

parts of work also aims at --

----eliminating__ .

4 / 40

4. Millet is of the opinion that


“Public Administration is an

instrument for the exercise

of ------"

5 / 40

5. Which aspect of

administration is recent: ----


6 / 40

6. Expressions such as “with

immediate effect”, “Without

delay”, “With impromptu

attention”, were common

phrases in which forms of


7 / 40

7. Psychology could not

influence public

administration because of

its capability of discovering

immutable laws of --

8 / 40

8. ...............Is not a reform of public service in Nigeria

9 / 40

9. .............was the chief of staff in traditional Yoruba public administration

10 / 40

10. Public administrative

techniques as well as

terminology are borrowed

from ------

11 / 40

11. To ------- bureaucracy is 'a

social structure meant to

propel community action

into a rationally ordered

social action'.

12 / 40

12. Which leader is concerned

with higher productivity

rather than the welfare of

his/her employees?




13 / 40

13. The functional principles of

the administrative

organization include all of

these except ---

14 / 40

14. In all democratic countries,

the ----- determines the

amount of money which is

to be made available for

expenditure to the


15 / 40

15. The Udeoji and Dotun

Philips commission in

Nigeria was instituted by


16 / 40

16. The ----- makes the law

which determines the

organization, functions and

procedures of public


17 / 40

17. This is among the classified

functions of management

according to Millett: -----

18 / 40

18. This forms the second

element of the special

minds of government: ------

19 / 40

19. Is the apex of an organisation hierachy?

20 / 40

20. The ministers as well

executives exercise control

over administration through

all of these methods except


21 / 40

21. the epitome of Nigerialization of the public administration

22 / 40

22. In 1973 Negro and Negro

pointed out four basic

elements of similarity

between public and private

administration, of which the

first was the ------ element

23 / 40

23. The acronym POSDCORB

was coined by ------

24 / 40

24. in the acronym

PODCORB P stands for

25 / 40

25. _is the systematic and

continuous process of

telling, listening and


26 / 40

26. S.B Chrines work titled, An Introduction to the Administrative History of Medieval England, is an example of a ----

27 / 40

27. ..............Is not the responsibilities of chief executives

28 / 40

28. The study of the

administrative system of

any country is dependent

upon its ----- background.

29 / 40

29. Habeas Corpus not only

punishes wrong doers but --


30 / 40

30. The transference of

administrative authority

from a lower to a higher

level of government is

known as

31 / 40

31. The word CO in the

acronym POSDCORB

means -

32 / 40

32. The writings of the following

authors have significant

relevance for public

administration studies

except ------

33 / 40

33. The ----- function of management is focused on addressing the peculiar problems of the organization.

34 / 40

34. Nigeria amalgation was in.................year?

35 / 40

35. 1988 civil service reforms is noted for its introduction of...............

36 / 40

36. ____leadership is based on

human relations approach

in line with democratic



37 / 40


This administration is

concerned primarily with

the tasks and process of

formulating and

implementing the four P’s of

administering an

organisation: -----

38 / 40

38. The general task of laying

down detailed rules which

is the prerogative of the

executive is known as ------

39 / 40

39. A writ of ------ is directed to

the inferior, courts,

tribunals, cooperation or

officer, requiring the

performance of a specified

duty fixed by law.

40 / 40

40. ..............Commission increased inflation, after its implementation

Your score is

The average score is 39%



Phil aka Undergragra is a Computer Engineering Graduate at the Federal University Oye-Ekiti. He is a lover of God, a passionate teacher, writer and an educational consultant.

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