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There are 40 questions which you are to answer in 15 minutes that gives you roughly 30 seconds per question.

If you can get at least 60%, you can be rest assured that you’ll ace MAC 105 exam


In a normal exam you will be asked between 40 – 60 questions but I only arranged 40 questions


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70 – 100 A

60 – 69 B

50 – 59 C

45 – 49 D

40 – 44 E

0 – 39 F

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❤️ Undergragra


MAC 105

1 / 40

1. According to Wilson (1998:30) the Akwa Ibom people use drum to perform various functions among the following except ___

2 / 40

2. In Africa, the communication systems form an integral part of the___

3 / 40


is a song performed at funeral of loved ones

4 / 40

4. According to Ibagere, (1994:83)the different methods of communication in African traditional social system can be classified into Non-verbal mode ,verbal mode, ___

5 / 40

5. The Morse code is not a non verbal mode of communication because it possess all characteristics of language ___

6 / 40

6. In Africa poetry, especially among the Yorubas ___ is often used to eulogise achievements and satirise unacceptable behaviours

7 / 40

7. The definition of culture agrees with which of the following __

8 / 40

8. ___ and ___form the two groups in which agencies of public communication may be classified.

9 / 40

9. According to Rothwell , he stated that the ___ is your
personal billboard

10 / 40

10. ___is commonly referred to as spoken language

11 / 40

11. Some specific functions of communication includes all except the following ___

12 / 40


Poeple’s culture include the following except ___

13 / 40


In African traditional society, visuals communicate some warning signs and symbols thus black communicates mourning while white communicates ___

14 / 40

14. Yawning is a substitution for gaining energy to continue working. True or false ___?

15 / 40

15. Apart from the wide known entertainment function of music it could also function as ___

16 / 40

16. Gestures as a means of communication are unconscious manifestation of inner feelings can be grouped into ___

17 / 40


___ is a type of unity song

18 / 40

18. In the taxonomy of traditional media in Africa, wooden drum belongs to idiophones but Deer horn belongs to ____ hardware.

19 / 40

19. As one of the functions of music the duet by king Sunny Ade and Onyeka Onwuenu was used to promote ___ in Nigeria

20 / 40

20. Communication as defined by MacBride et al (1981) is not just as the exchange of ___ and ___ but an individual and collective activity embracing all transmissions and sharing of ideas, facts and data

21 / 40

21. The introduction of mass media into traditional communication brought about the advent of ___

22 / 40

22. Culture is ___ through the African communication systems

23 / 40

23. Verbal and non-verbal communication are interconnected in the following areas except ___

24 / 40

24. SMCR model of communication means ___

25 / 40

25. ___ and ___ is peculiar and unique to each African people in their own tradition.

26 / 40

26. Culture is acquired through the following except___

27 / 40

27. The use of feather for various purposes is common more among people of ___

28 / 40

28. The traditional channels of communication give the local people the opportunity to participate in developmental programmes___

29 / 40

29. A Ghanaian scholar Ansu Kyeremeh looking at intra village patterns of communication mentioned ___ as venue oriented communication mod

30 / 40

30. The use of gestures intended for a particular persons and group to the exclusion of others shrouded with open secrecies is ___

31 / 40


Before the introduction of modern mass media a variety of traditional communication channels were already in existence___

32 / 40

32. It is necessary to integrate indigenous and exogenous communication systems to ___

33 / 40


The use of facial marks as a channel of communication is an age long practice common among Africans which is used as a means of ___

34 / 40

34. As one of the functions of music the duet by king Sunny Ade and Onyeka Onwuenu was used to promote ___ in Nigeria

35 / 40

35. The main channel of verbal communication is ____

36 / 40

36. According to Doob, personal satisfaction, achievements, and ranks are ___ by facial mark

37 / 40

37. Music has numerous reasons and usage among which is the following except ___

38 / 40


African community system has a unique feature which is the fact that it is ___

39 / 40

39. In traditional channels of communication appliances and instruments used are mostly ___

40 / 40

40. ___ is very powerful in conveying indigenous messages from generation to generation

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The average score is 47%



Phil aka Undergragra is a Computer Engineering Graduate at the Federal University Oye-Ekiti. He is a lover of God, a passionate teacher, writer and an educational consultant.
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