Diary of a Fuoye Su Babe Episode 4

Diary of a Fuoye SU Babe Episode 4
I alighted and pay the bike man his fare..
I unlocked my phone and dialed papa’s number, he picked at the first beep..
“I’m at the front of your hostel can you come and pick me to your room”
“you will see me in a jiffy” he replied
Not up to 2minutes papa came to the hostel gate and I saw the hot body hiding inside the oversized suit papa wore few hours ago, papa was putting on a boxer and a transparent white singlet, he has a very fair complexion mere looking at his long leg can make an horny lady c*m in her panties, I was lost in lust when papa jeered me back to life..
“Sister Ruth please let’s go inside ” he said
“OK ” I said rolling my eyes
We climbed upstairs and went to the first room by the left, papa unlocked the door and we entered his room, the room was well furnished and there is no sign of poverty anywhere so I wondered why papa was putting on that oversized suit and trouser the other time we’ll that wasn’t my business I’m here to f*ck the hell outta his hello..
“Ruth please feel at home” he said
“Did you just call me Ruth? What happened to sister Ruth ” I asked.
“Babe see whenever we are in the chapel I will call you sister Ruth and you’ll call me papa but when we are alone call me Samuel and I will call you ruth” he said
“So you too sabi the do” I said looking at him seductively
“Of course baby” he said
Before he could say Jack Robinson I have found my hand into his boxer and was twisting his konji and sucking his nipple, all of a sudden he asked me to stop that he wants to go and get some condoms from the chemist next to the hostel but I told him not to worry,
“I can’t make out with you without having any protection ” he said
“Owk nah, hold on I have an alternative, get me a santanah nylon ” I said.
In a jiffy he came back with a white nylon as I removed the rubber band in which I used to pack my hair. I inserted his konji into the nylon and I used the rubber band to hold it firm.. Hmm no be today I dey do this kind thing..
He was very happy with the way I did my personal protection. .. While we were having the foreplay we heard a knock at the door he was very scared as he asked “who is at the door? ”
“Brother Phillips “the voice answered
“Eh I’m in for it Ruth, the chapel president is here” he whispered
“And so go and open the door jor” I said
“Open the door ke, how will I explain you to him” he asked
“I’m your sexmate” I said
“Or will you go and stay in the bathroom pending the time he left” he suggested.
“A whole me, over my dead body will I hide in a man’s house”
He reluctantly stood up to open the door and Phillip entered, he opened his mouth in ajar when he saw a semi unclad me on the bed
“Will you stay there and look or you will come and join us to have your share in this national cake ” I said.
He was about leaving the room when I drew him back for a hot kiss I pushed him to the bed and pushed Samuel also to the bed..
Tonight I’m gonna have a twosome for the first time..