Jay the FUOYE Fresher Episode 24| Season 1 Finale

Jay the FUOYE Fresher Episode 24
****Continued from last episode **
The last time I stood up like this… Guys? Do you remember?
That I didn’t bathe 😂
Today again I didn’t bathe 😂
Hello! I’m not a dirty boy ooo 😂
When someone is late nko..
“So Mr Man, Can you please define differentiation?
Do you know those moments in movies when everything starts to move in slow motion?
I feel that shi right now..
I guess for the first time, I stared at this Man’s round pot belly looking an over ripe pawpaw about to fall off the tree, it then gave him this weird kind of body structure cos he wasn’t tall. He was looking like a creature/actor I have seen a movie or probably a cartoon……Wait! He looks like Barney ..lol(If you dont know Barney, then you are small pikin oo).
I turned around only to see close to 1,500 eyes staring at me, like they wanted to eat me up.. I shook in fear.
I definitely couldn’t stop myself from thinking about what these people might be thinking about me.
“What impression do they have of me?”I asked myself.
“Come up here” He said, beckoning me to come join him on the stage..
“I don die” I cursed under my breathe
And for the first time in a while, I decided to be bold.
“So, what is differentiation?” He asked again.
I held the Mic and…
“Umm, technically…”
“it’s more like..” I started to stammer.
“Technically, differentiation is basically the process of finding the derivative, or rate of change, of a function”
“Very correct!” Mr Ahmed said smiling
He brought a N1000 note and gave it to me
“Oporr!” Everyone started shouting.
“Na me and you go share that money o!” one guy shouted from the crowd.
Anyway, I think I became a celeb for a little while before the class was calm again..
Mr Ahmed aka Hod Physics continued dissecting this topic and I was impressed… I mean I was so happy.
” Now with what you guys now know about Differentiation and Integration”
“You’ll pass Mth 102 easily” Hod Physics added.
MTH 102 is a course to be taken in 100 level second semester.
Honestly I’ve never seen anyone like this man before, patient, intelligent, funny.
And see oo, I wasn’t the only one who loved his lecture, minutes after this man left, students were still talking about this man.
After that we had practicals, I, Mr kay, Taye, Moola, Meedo and Agidi strolled to the school gate like a gang 😂.
We were so close..
“Jay” someone called me from behind
I turned around to see some guys beside a car which definitely belongs to one of them.
We were almost at the school gate beside the cashew trees.
O my God, I didn’t tell you guys about the cashew trees in Ikole Campus?
I gave my guys a signal that I was coming while they rushed to join some other guys who were plucking cashew.
I walked with my shoulders high and I tried to walk with swag 😂 Shit I almost twisted my ankle.
“You guys called me?” I asked as I got close to them
“Na u be Jay?”
“Yes” I replied
“Who are those guys with you?” Some guy who was sitting in the car asked.
“My friends” I replied.
“We know say na u plan that stuff wey happen to that Ewa babe”
I froze at this moment.
“Is she like a sister to one of them?”
“I’m so dead”
“You be bad guy Aje” They all said almost at the same time..
I was back with my guys and they offered me cashew. But I rejected it..
“Who are those guys?” Aboki asked
“Yahoo boys” I replied
They asked me other questions and I answered absent mindedly
We got back home and my guys knew something was wrong with me
“Jay wetin sup na” Meedo asked
Everyone turned around expecting me to answer
“Guys!, those guys in school said I should come and join their cult!!! 😢” I said screaming and almost crying.
Do you know those moments in those Indian movies when something terrible happens and the camera will start zooming on the faces of the shocked actors 😂
” Cult! “They all shouted in unison
Will Jay join the cultists?
Watch out for Season 2 of Jay the Fuoye Fresher
😂 Before I didn’t plan to end it here… I just changed my mind..
I need to know if you guys are still enjoying it…
If you really want a season 2,let me know by using the comment box
Who is your favourite character apart from Jay?
A lot will happen in season 2,will jay become a cultist ,I’ll also give a clear account of the fuoye protest that clamied lives..I was a fresher then.
Scratch that, I’ll write about that in Season 3, Season 2 will explain how hectic FUOYE registrations can be,
while you wait…
Just search for it on google