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Jay the FUOYE Fresher Season 2 Episode 1(Jay’s Back Story)

 Jay the FUOYE Fresher Season 2

Jay the FUOYE Fresher Season 2 Episode 1

….continued from last season….

….previously on Jay the Fuoye Fresher……..

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“Guys!, those guys in school said I should come and join their cult!!! 😢” I said screaming and almost crying.. 

Do you know those moments in those Indian movies when something terrible happens and the camera will start zooming on the faces of the shocked actors 😂 

” Cult! “They all shouted in unison 

Will Jay join the cultists?


‘catch am’

‘catch am’

‘no allow make hin escape oo’

I opened the gate of the compound and saw my neighbours running heltersketer.

were they chasing a thief or a wide animal?I honestly didn’t care at that moment….

I was so frustrated and felt like quitting school.

“na who talk say make I choose Fuoye sef?” I cursed under my breath

I dragged my feet like an hen beaten by an heavy rain,no…why was life treating me this way?

I entered my tiny room and jumped on my bed, normally I should have felt relief on landing on my bed, instead I felt pain all over my body.

I just couldn’t stop thinking about my life, how I resumed as a fresher and received red card from Ewa and all the adventures that followed….

I still feel like there are some important details I left out…

My phone vibrated and I saw a message from my closest friend in my department,Ay…

‘Ay ma gee’ I muttered silently smiling a little bit..

Chill how did I even meet Ay?

Whatsup people, I dont think I need any introduction anymore….If you are reading this piece then you must have read Jay the Fuoye Fresher season 1.

Well,I’m Jayeola Olowookere and this is my story…I’m still a fresher in the Faculty of Engineering,Federal University oye ekiti….

lol, majority of the names here are totally fiction, but you see those adventures? majority of them are more real than you think…lol my real name is not even Jay..The name Jay is also fiction.

sit back and enjoy season 2, I really hope you will learn lessons from it.


Rain had just fallen and the air still smelt damp,trust me ..that shit can be very disgusting in the sense that you don’t have the opportunity to breathe in smooth air.

I dared not open the window of my room completely except I wanted to have a taste of how Canada felt like…

On a normal day,mom will come to knock on my door but things were no longer the way it used to be.

Mom had been away for quite some time now,to cut the long story short..she was incapacitated.

My lil bro was away in some fancy boarding school so it was just me and my dad.


I could hear my dad shout so loud ,the windows and doors almost shook in unison.

‘shey this man will not have sore throath like this’ I said quietly as I removed the blanket I used as a shield for the cold weather.

I patiently waited for him to shout my name two more times before I finally replied..

Since mom wasn’t around,I had to handle her business while pops had to handle his..

I resumed work that morning reluctantly…I know you must be wondering…what kind of work?

Mom is a soft drinks dealer,so I had to handle it for her as a good son…and…I kuku neva gain admission that time…

Occasionaly after arranging the drinks,I do sit outside to see those who were passing by the road side,my major business was looking at the ladies.

I’d looked at them so much that I kind of knew the face of a lady that passes by the shape or size of the buttocks…’by their yansh you shall know them’ you cannot kuku blame me, I no get work.

I was already getting bored and I was about going back into the shop when I noticed an unusual backside….” shit” I nearly screamed..

“na who con get this kind big yansh” I asked myself

watch out for Jay the FUOYE Fresher Season 2 Episode 2

By  Ace/Undergragra

Jay the Fuoye Fresher

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4

Episode 5

Episode 6

Episode 7

Episode 8

 Episode 9

Episode 10

Episode 11

Episode 12

Episode 13

Episode 14

Episode 15

Episode 16

Episode 17


Phil aka Undergragra is a Computer Engineering Graduate at the Federal University Oye-Ekiti. He is a lover of God, a passionate teacher, writer and an educational consultant.

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