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Jay the FUOYE Fresher Season 2 Epiosde 3

…continued from last epiosde….

We named the group “FUOYE Noisemakers”

Back in those days, stickers were not that common on Whatsapp…But we still managed to disturb the group..

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Yeah, that was were I met Lade


Omolademi was just another member of our noisemakers group and she was also in the Richiegists whatsapp group. 

Mhen this girl fine, no cap…

And we connected on the grp like, you cant diss her and go scott free ,same thing for me…

lol, on the group we really had our backs, fine she wasn’t like the girl I met in 2017….I obviously had feelings for her…This one was different ,but I really hoped to see her and I was scared…


I got close to a girl in 2017 and we hoped to meet in school but neither of us eventually gained admission..I was so scared that it will happen again.

Few weeks later,we started hearing rumours that admission list will soon be out…

Honestly, through all this time..I made up my mind not to check Jamb caps….checking it always gives me goosebumps…

Now admission list was coming, won’t I check it again?

Mhen Richie did a good job in making us calm down back then and I will forever be grateful…

That fateful day was a very busy day for me,I was in shop all alone but I had no time to check facebook …I think we were drawing close to a muslim festive period around September or so…I had too much goods to sell..

The weather was fair, but I was just too busy,I got back home late that night..

Mom was home now,my lil bro was also at home…

So technically the house was full…

After eating dinner,I remembered there was something called phone…

Then the search began, where is my phone?

I later found it in the

I logged into facebook and my body started shaking…

I dropped my phone and went to switch on the generator cos I was already sweating.

Nobody knew what was happenning to me, they all thought everything was normal.

After the gen was on, I stayed beside the big Ox fan cos I was technically about to faint…

What’s wrong with me? I am sure you must be wondering right now….lol…I know some of you already know what’s supping….

I saw several posts on facebook with screenshot of so many peole whose admission status had chnaged to admission in progress..

“God this is not the plan…God please let me gain admission this year…I just can’t write the 4th Jamb” I prayed silently almost crying..infact my vision was getting blurry as the tears clouded my vision….

I rushed to my inbox and messaged AY instantly.

Me: Ay ,shey admission don reach our department?

luckily for me, AY was online

Ay: Yes na, my caps don change since morning .

Yeh! I screamed , drawing everyone’s attention to me…

“Jay shey kosi?” My dad asked

” nothing sir” I replied

I could audibly hear the negativity in my head laughing at me….

“Omo what if I still don’t get admitted?”

I logged into Jamb caps immediately…

Then, they said invalid email or password

“Chai ,my village people don follow me reach this place ooo” I cursed under my breath

I logged into my normal email and looked for the first message Jamb sent to me containing my details…you know Jamb sends you a message immediately you finish Jamb registration right?

I found my password there, then I did copy and paste..

This time around, I logged in successfully.

I clicked on check admission status and……


Fine, I know you know that I will get admitted…But did I actually gaina admission with merit list aka first batch?


Watch out for Jay the FUOYE Fresher Season 2 Episode 4

Written by Ace/Undergragra


Phil aka Undergragra is a Computer Engineering Graduate at the Federal University Oye-Ekiti. He is a lover of God, a passionate teacher, writer and an educational consultant.

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