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Jay the FUOYE Fresher Season 2 Epiosode 4

…..continued from the last episode…

Then, they said invalid email or password

“Chai ,they don follow me reach this place ooo” I cursed under my breath

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I logged into my normal email and looked for the first messag Jamb sent to me containing my details.

I found my password there, then I did copy and paste..

This time around, I logged in successfully.

I clicked on check admission status and……



And what happened?

“Their fadaa”

“Their fadaa”, I screamed and started jumping all over the house.

“Jay,what is wrong with you?” Everybody asked in Unison with confusion and concern clearly written on their faces.

“My caps has changed to admission in progress o”

“Ope o!”Everyone shouted

“Their faaaddaa seh”I shouted again and started running round the compound.

The next day was Sunday, I clearly couldn’t sleep cos I started dreaming about how life in Fuoye will be like .

I woke up very early that morning and logged into Fuoye portal to check my admission status, I was already admitted,by Sunday evening my admision status had changed to congratulations on Jamb caps..

Well a lot of things happened after then,but that will be a story for another day.

Do you know that the day Ewa shenked me and gave me red card wasn’t the first time I set my foot in FUOYE….

I set my foot in Fuoye some weeks before that…


I was at my Aunt’s place in Ikorodu,Lagos when I got the message that all newly admitted students in FUOYE were to resume on Dec 16,2018.

The news came with mixed feelings for me, I was just starting to enjoy Lagos and now school is asking us to resume…why?

At the same time, I really wanted to resume and finally be free from everything…

Swears, I am sure you can’t understand the feeling…I was basically an “omo get inside”.


I packed my bags that morning as I waited patiently for Ay and his dad….

I know you must be wondering, Is the same Ay that I met on facebook? lol noo…

Spoiler you know that Ayo is the most common Yoruba name?

Ayomide was this fresh guy like that,I met him in church…I was like a year older than him,so we didn’t have the same circle of friends….Like I don’t think I ever talked to him until admission came… Well his dad decided to take us to school with his car and I was so excited about that………

The head lamp of the car was so bright, it almost destroyed my eye balls…. I drew back raising my hands up like the way Paul must have done when Jesus met him on his way to

Daddy Ayomide pulled over and Ayo opened the back door for me..

I entered the car and found his dad ,his mom and his little sister in the car with him and of course I greeted them before I finally shook hands with Ay…mehn..that stuff felt weird…Like we’ve known each other for close to 5 years yet we never even spoke once…

The journey started smoothly until we hit the terrible parts of the road,the car started moving sideways like we were stuck to the back of spiderman as he swung from place to place..

Now the headache I dreaded came,the neuseating feeling aka travelling sickness was here again..

I could swear to you that if we hit another bad road, I was definitely going to throw up….

Then a stupid negative thought came into my head, “what if we were stopped by thieves or police men stopped us and Daddy Ayo now forgot his particulars or something”….

“Stop there!”A voice shouted right beside us….

Next thing I heard was the sound of a bullet



what’s going on?

Watch out for Jay the FUOYE Fresher Season 2 Episode 5

Written by Ace/Undergragra


Phil aka Undergragra is a Computer Engineering Graduate at the Federal University Oye-Ekiti. He is a lover of God, a passionate teacher, writer and an educational consultant.

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