Home/JAMB/CRS JAMB/UTME TEST JAMB CRS JAMB/UTME TEST Phil Follow on Twitter Send an email April 17, 2024Last Updated: April 17, 20240 110 Less than a minute CRS JAMB/UTME TEST 1 / 40 1. Related Articles Economics JAMB TEST April 17, 2024 Literature JAMB TEST April 17, 2024 Government JAMB/UTME TEST April 17, 2024 In his teaching on spiritual gifts in Corinthians, Paul said that all gifts are inspired by A. the individual's ability B. the same spirit C. grace D. prayer 2 / 40 2. Jesus said anyone who put his hand to the plough and looked back would not be A. a good teacher B. Rich on earth C. Able to perform miracles D. For the kingdom of God 3 / 40 3. What was Herod's reaction when he heard the news about Jesus birth? A. He sent gifts B. He was troubled C. He was excited D. He became calm 4 / 40 4. Where did Jesus lodge after he cleansed the temple? A. Bethpage B. Jerusalem C. Bethany D. Nazarteth 5 / 40 5. When Jonah fled from God when he was sent to Nineveh, he joined a ship from Joppa to A. Cush B. Tarshish C. Cana D. Nineveh 6 / 40 6. How old was Abram when God appeared to him the second time? A. 99 years B. 75 years C. 85 years D. 105 years 7 / 40 7. The first miracle Jesus performed was A. Feeding the five thousand B. Changing water to wine C. Calming the storm D. Walking on water 8 / 40 8. Prophet Ezekiel described the house of Israel as having a hard forehead and a stubborn heart because the people A. refused to listen to him B. had endured suffering C. lacked confidence in him D. had taken God for granted 9 / 40 9. The promise of God through Prophet Isaiah in anticipation of their restoration was that A. the Kingdom would flourish like the days of David B. their land would produce milk and honey C. He would make their enemies their footstool D. their descendants would be known among nations 10 / 40 10. When God called Prophet Jeremiah, he claimed that he did not know how to speak because he was A. A timid B. Afraid C. A youth D. A stammerer 11 / 40 11. Paul in Romans advised believers to respect those in authority to avoid God's wrath and also for the sake of A. faith B. conscience C. others D. Christ 12 / 40 12. Ezra was able to gain favour before the king of Persia because A. the hand of the Lord was upon him B. Aaron was his great grand father C. he was a scribe and the King's friend D. he was skilled in the law of Moses 13 / 40 13. The ruler of the synagogue whose child Jesus raised to life was A. Jairus B. Centurion C. A widow D. Zebede 14 / 40 14. Busy bodies and those living in idleness in the church at Thessalonica were admonished to A. pray for those in authority for peace B. do their work in quietness and earn a living C. endure persecution from their masters D. appeal to those in authority to create jobs 15 / 40 15. ''An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth...''Jesus corrected the teaching in the statement above by declaring that A. retaliation is right B. give and take is an ideal way of life C. forgiveness is right D. retaliation should be in equal measure to the offence 16 / 40 16. The Israelites offering of their sons and daughters to Molech was seen by God as an act of A. Unfaithfulness B. Wickedness C. Idolatry D. abomination 17 / 40 17. In order that the word of the LORDconcerning Judah might come to pass, He A. allowed the Canaanites to besiege it B. sent Babylon and other nations against it C. made it the central city D. sent Kings to reign in Jerusalem 18 / 40 18. According to Romans, good citizenship involves A. obedient to those in authority B. participation in governance C. supporting the poor D. reporting criminals in society 19 / 40 19. The cities of the Amorites were completely devastated by Israel through the combined forces of A. panic, plague, and sword B. plague, hailstone and sword C. panic, hailstone and sword D. plague, panic and hailstone 20 / 40 20. At Gibeon, the Lord appeared to Solomon in a A. Dream B. Trance C. whilrlwind D. Vision 21 / 40 21. "...O LORD, let thy ear be attentive to the prayer of thy servant...and grant him mercy in the sight of this man".The prayer above was said by A. Joel B. Jeremiah C. Isaiah D. Nehemiah 22 / 40 22. "Behold, the days are coming...when i will send a famine on the land...."Famine in the statement above means A. unavailability of the word of God B. lack of food C. lack of water D. failure of the farms to produce 23 / 40 23. When Prophet Isaiah saw the Lord of Hosts in the temple, he A. was ashamed of himself and his people B. praised his glory C. condemned himself and his people D. prayed fervently 24 / 40 24. What did the Jews do when Nehemiah told them about his mission in Jerusalem? A. They informed Sanballat and Tobiah about his plans B. They praised God for sending him to rebuild Jerusalem C. They encouraged one another to rise up and build the walls D. They were hostile to him and he became discouraged 25 / 40 25. According to the Prophet Hosea, the Israelites shall play the harlot, but they would A. not be satisfied B. not multiply C. be sick D. be dissapointed 26 / 40 26. '''Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh...''When Moses resisted God's call with the statement above, it portrayed his A. Lack of eloquence B. Lack of strength C. Incompetence D. Stubbornness 27 / 40 27. The Jerusalem wall was rebuilt under the leadership of Nehemiah because A. King Cyrus had granted funds for the work B. there were enough materials for the work C. the people had the mind to work D. all the settlers supported the work 28 / 40 28. ''....You are the Christ, the son of the living God.''The statement above was made by A. Peter B. John C. Philip D. James 29 / 40 29. Jesus directed those He healed of leprosy to offer gifts of cleansing because A. such offerings would serve as proof to the people B. they needed to show appreciation C. He did not want confrontation with the Pharisees D. without such offerings, the leprosy might come back 30 / 40 30. "Arise, take possession of the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite, which he refused to give you for money.."Why did Naboth refuse to sell his vineyard? A. the money offered was too small B. it was a big vineyard C. He had no other vineyard D. He inherited it from his fathers 31 / 40 31. ''Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe''Jesus made the statement above to A. His mother at Cana in Galilee B. Thomas, the twin C. the father of the epileptic boy D. the Syrophenician woman 32 / 40 32. According to Paul, generosity produces A. Salvation B. The grace of GOD C. Thanksgiving to God D. Righteousness 33 / 40 33. At the time Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary, Elizabeth was pregnant for A. 5 months B. 4 months C. 3 months D. 6 months 34 / 40 34. God forbade the Israelites from inter-marrying with Gentiles because the A. Israelites had taken their land by force B. Gentiles were more in number than the Israelites C. Gentiles planned to attack the Israelites D. Gentiles would turn the Israelites' hearts after their gods 35 / 40 35. King Josiah ordered Shanan, the secretary to the house of the Lord not to account for the money given to repair the Temple because A. the people were honest B. the money was too small C. he wanted to benefit from it D. much money was collected 36 / 40 36. According to Amos, true religion entails A. fasting and praying always B. engaging in holy feasts and assemblies C. engaging in sacrifices and burnt offerings D. being just and righteous 37 / 40 37. The presiding judge at the Jerusalem Council was A. James B. Barnabas C. Peter D. Paul 38 / 40 38. The disciples could not cast out the dumb spirit because A. they had not been fasting B. it could only be driven out by prayer C. it was stubborn D. they were not familiar with that particular spirit 39 / 40 39. "...In the territory of Jeezreel the dogs shall eat the flesh of Jezebel...so that no one can say, This is Jezebel."In the statement above, Jehu was referring to the prophecy of A. Nathan B. Elijah C. Micah D. Elisha 40 / 40 40. Although David refused to kill Saul because he was the LORD'S anointed, he still believed that A. the LORD would eventually smite Saul B. Saul would one day repent C. Saul would be killed by the Philistines D. Saul's soldiers would cause him to die in battle Your score isThe average score is 31% 0% Restart quiz Related posts: How To Check JAMB Exam Date and Centre in 2024 Updated How to pass JAMB examination without reading JAMB Online Tutorial 2024 By The Undergragra Team 10 Most Difficult Subjects in JAMB 2024 Phil Follow on Twitter Send an email April 17, 2024Last Updated: April 17, 20240 110 Less than a minute Share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Tumblr Pinterest Reddit VKontakte Odnoklassniki Pocket WhatsApp Telegram Share via Email Print