Jay the FUOYE Fresher Season 2 Episode 7

………………Continued from last episode……………
After the one week was wasted, school released memo that resumption date was in January….
Wait first?
How did I meet Ay ….my course mate?
What happened in Season 2 Episode 1…?
Alright, let’s talk about how I met Ay…
You remember in season one after my Dad brought me to school?(If you’ve forgotten some things that happened in season one,I’ll advice you to go back and read it cos I’ll be making reference to it alot.)
I was back in school after I’ve faced the worst kind of humilation you can ever think of,but I haven’t talked about how I did blood and urine test or how I did my registrations,stamping of scchool fees receipt and so on.
I was back in Ikole and umm…I was chilling in my room..
No one had resumed yet except,Mr Kay….(I hope these names aren’t strange to you..?)
I was eating when the call entered..
“Hello” the caller said
“How far?” I replied
“Who be dis abeg?” I asked confused…
“Na Ay,your course mate”
“Ma gee” I screamed…..I almost forgot I was even eating…omo I nearly choke..
We gisted a lil bit, then we decided to meet at First bank..(that was the only functional bank in Ikole as at that time…as at the time I even wrote this episode…the bank had closed down)
We finally met…
He wasn’t as tall as I had imagined…But mehn..the guy fine oo
He wore a white shirt over a short faded jean,he was kind of fair skinned like the colour formed after sufficient milk has been mixed with a beverage like Milo….
Now I’m hungry………lol
We greeted each other for a while and whined each other very well( If you don’t know what whining is….whining is an act ….ghen ghen….how I wan take explain this thing like this…Its an act of making the other person feel good by complementing the person and over exageerating it….Most times its a total lie…at times…whining can be used to make jest of a person…..it can also be used to make a shy person feel loved…If you are coming to Fuoye ,please know how to whine…that shit is a survival strategy)
We then decided to meet the next day at Oye for our medicals…well that didn’t work out well…The day I was meant to meet Ay was the day Ewa gave me red card…
Yeah,Omolademi….Did we finally meet? Did she even gain admission?
Watch out for Jay the FUOYE Fresher Season 2 Episode 8
Written by Ace/Undergragra