Diary of a Fuoye SU Babe Episode 7

I went home dejectedly, when I got home I met Tolani with her usual origin bottle drinking out her self, I felt nausea and I gave her a short sermon.
“Tolani see all these things you do doesn’t make any sense, the Bible said wine is a mocker and whosoever that is deceit with it shall never be wise” I preached
“Ruth see, the Bible is not against drinking of wine if it wasn’t good Jesus wouldn’t have turned water to wine in Galilee ” She said
“That is the problem of you unbelievers, you will surely find a scripture to back up your infidelities” I said angrily.
“Ruth mind what you say to me, I’m not into any infidelity the only thing I do is to drink and club and my motive for doing that is to enjoy my youthful life while it lasts” She said
“Tolani see not only clubbing and drinking is immoral, pre marital sex is a great sin dear, the Bible says the bed should be kept undefiled, Tolani you need to give your life to Christ ”
“Ruth if I tell you something you might not believe me but that’s just the truth ” she said
“What is that” I asked
“I’m still a virgin Ruth” She said
“Vir-gin ” I asked raising a brow
“Yes Ruth, if I go to club I only go there to dance and once I see that I’m getting high I will leave with immediate effect so guys won’t take advantage of me ” She said
“Wow, that’s too good to be true but if that is the truth about you keep it up baby” I said
“Abeg I wan see a friend for victory hostel” She said as she left the room..
Tolani is a virgin Eh that’s strange, well back to my present predicament I don’t know what to do to this ugly beast that wanna make out with me I’m a sex addict but I’ve got a taste.
My phone rang and it was Jason
“Hello bae ” he said
“Boo of all boos wassup nah” I asked
“Nawa o you no even call me since” he said
He complained of how I haven’t been giving him attention and I told him that I’ve been busy with school activities, I cooked up some lies which he bought. I hung up and continue looking for a way out of my problems, I decided to go and inform papa since we are all in the mess..
I dressed up casually and went to the chapel, I met some people waiting to see papa for counseling I joined the queue and it eventually got to my turn
Me: Papa yawa done gas o
Papa : what do you mean by that
Me: there is a guy in your hostel I guess his room is next to yours, he is fair, short has a bad dentition. .
Papa : oh that should be Franklin
Me: I don’t even care to know his name
Papa: what’s going on
Me: that guy is threatening me
Papa: for what reason
Me: Because he saw me coming out of your room early morning and he claimed to have been hearing my moans in your room, so he is threatening me that if I don’t have sex with him tonight he is going to expose us..
Papa : is that why you are trembling?
Me: yes of course
Papa : you don’t need to panic just do what he wants and that’s the end of the threat
Me: Samuel you must be out of your senses, you mean I should sleep with that beast just to save your face
Papa: But it’s not as if you didn’t enjoy the whole thing, Ruth please do this for us please
He kept begging and begging I later obliged…
I know what to do I will cover Franklin’s face with a cloth so I won’t feel like throwing up whenever I’m looking at his face, then no kissing..
Ruth I too get sense