Jay the FUOYE Fresher Season 2 Episode 10

….continued from last episode……….
“File ke?”I asked confused
“Yes na” she said
“Mehn,I gats go snap passport be dat” I said and turned around only to see HER standing beside us
“Is he your boyfriend? ” SHE asked..
“Is he your boyfriend?”Ewa asked again almost shouting
(mind you this was before and shege and his goons treated her fuck up)
“Is something wrong with that?” Lade asked back making me shocked
“this one is your boyfriend?you neva see b….”
“Shut the f**k up!”Lade shouted cutting Ewa short…
“You dey ment?” Lade asked almost screaming …
“sorry o”Ewa said almost running away
“Show me your bf,he fine reach my Jay?” Lade asked making me smile a little bit..
“Chill,see as my guy tall, well built with fresh pink lips”as soon as she said …swears I was literally blushing..
“Waka !”Lade shouted this time making everyone turn around..
You need to have seen the way Ewa walked away like she urinated on her body..I felt on top of the goddamn world….swears you can’t understand the feeling at all.
“For your case oo”…that song by Teni started playing in my head
At this point I knew Lade was ma real gee not just my online chat buddy..
“Jay go and take your passport jare” Lade said reminding me
“That’s true sef” I said scratching my head
“Abi should I escort you?” she asked smiling
“lol,dont worry” I said
This babe didn’t listen to me o, she still followed me to school gate before turning back.
Few minutes later I was inside the health centre,I submitted the paper containing my medical report.
Then the 3 files were given to me, I attached my passports and wrote the necessary detials they asked me to write inside the file..like my name,department and faculty.
After that,they gave me the medical card and I attached another passport there too…
I was then directed to meet the doctor, I entered and sat down…The office of the doctor was actually like a real doctor’s office…He asked for a few questions….Asked for my name and my department then gave me my medical certificate.
As I got out of the medical centre,I felt this fresh breeze blow through my face..I was finally done with my medicals mehn..
I had lost touch with Ay…he probably must have gone back to Ikole.
Lade punched me from behind….
“Are you going to Ikole now?”
“omo,yes oo” I replied
“You will not come and greet me in my house abi?”
“Later jhor”
“Big head.let’s go and eat Simple “
“Oya na”she said smiling and pulling my hands
I finished my medicals like 3 weeks after I resumed fully, I had all my required documents but I was yet to start my registrations fully and Matriculation was just one month away.
Orientation was long gone,school was now in full session,tests were drawing closer…And yes the cultists were still disturbing me…
“All Cpe students let’s meet under the tree outside”Ak said
The guy’s voice was so loud, he was standing on the podium at the fromt of Elt(Engineering Lecture Theatre) and everyone in the hall could hear him clearly…
I was sitting in the middle of the class with my goons(Mr Kay,Taye,Meedo,Moola and Agidi…hope you’ve not forgotten about them sha…they are a very important part of my life as a fresher in Fuoye)
It was a tuesday morning like that and the Chm 101 lecturer was yet to arrive..I walked out of class with swag, I could see Pearl looking at me from one corner..you remember Pearl abi?)
Ak was already talking when I arrived….you should know who Ak is by now…He’s my class govenor…
“Ensure that you all complete your files before matric oo…if you don’t…school won’t give you matric number o”
“Red card,pesin dey call you for back”Jude said from behind…(Jude is one of my coursemates)
I turned around and saw them again,they were standing close to the Nuesa/engineering relaxation centre..
Yeah, I saw them and I started to feel a sudden cold even though I was under a scorching sun..
who did I see?
Watch out for Jay the FUOYE Fresher Episode 11