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Campus Love Stories

Friends In Love Episode 4

Friends in Love

Episode 4
Ko ko ko! , a security man knocked on their window………..
‘Her heart began pounding very fast, did the CCTV catch me?’ 
Julliet wound down the glass.
‘Excuse me sir’The ladies chorused.
‘Please can you park well?’the security man asked politely
‘We were just about to go out’Julliet finally said and drove out.
********* *******. ********** *********
Class was boring as usual, Mr Ofetoberi was the most boring man on earth even though MCB 301 was actually interesting.
‘Class dismissed’Mr Ofetoberi finally said.
The once quiet class became noisy again.
‘O boy I don sleep sha’ a guy sitting close to Julliet said as he sat up
‘It’s like the spirit of sleep comes with this man’Julliet said smiling a little.
‘Aswear!’the guy said and extended his hand.
‘You can call me Babs’
‘Jullie let’s go and eat!’Jummy said dragging her friend out.
They entered the popular ‘Food and wine’ eatery and ordered for some food.
Then he entered..
‘Jeez this guy is stalking us mehn, Jullie why did u smile’ Jummy said irritated.
‘Hi ladies’ 
‘You haven’t told me your name’ Babs said staring at Julliet
‘Please can you find somewhere else to go’ Jullie said
‘You can see we are busy’ Jummy said. She was visibly irritated like he had faeces sticking between his teeth.
‘I’ll wait then’
‘Jullie abeg make we comot’Jummy said standing up
Babs began to laugh like he just won a visa lottery
‘so u are Jullie’He said trying to hold back his laughter 
‘and I guess you must be Jummy’
‘How did you know that?’they both asked suprised.
‘Who doesn’t know Jullie and Jummy in this school?’
‘It’s a pleasure meeting you guys’ ‘may I have ur digits?’
Julliet and Jummy walked out of the eatery very angry
******. *********. **********. ********
The weather was really sunny, it was like the sun came closer to the earth.
‘My guy, I did some research. Going to Canada is not costly sef, maybe we should go to Dubai first,
‘Guy wetin do you? Travel, travel, day and night. Stop building castles in the air’Dave said sounding tired
‘Na u sabi, aswear the thing g…….’
‘Why did u stop?’Dave asked confused and shocked
‘Here she comes’Dele said smiling in such a way that even a dim-witted fellow would know he was up to sumtin.
Dave turned around only to see Tracy coming towards him, she wore the shortest skirt he’d ever seen.
Tracy had been in love with him since year 1. Unlike other girls ,after he showed them red card,she refused to leave him. She was from a very wealthy family and she already told Dave severally,’I love u so much,I can do anything to get you’
Dave thought that after bedding her she will leave him, but she didn’t.
‘Hi Dave’ Tracy said smiling sexily
‘Hi Tracy tsup’ Dave said and faked a smile
‘So you can’t call me bae abi’
‘God!Tracy how many times have I told you to leave me alone?’Dave said in anger
‘And how many times have I shown you how much I love you?’ Tracy said close to tears
Dave looked away because he couldn’t stand her tears. He wasn’t just interested in any babe for now
‘I am yours Dave and you are mine’
Dave hissed and walked away quickly
‘I’ll talk to him’Dele said to Tracy
‘Thanks Dele’ 
‘Have some cash for your upkeep’Tracy dipped her hand into her bag and gave some money to Dele which he happily collected.
Dele quickly walked fast in order to catch up with Dave
‘Guy,do you know there are up to 10 girls who have told you they love you in my presence in this semester alone not to talk of other semesters since year 1 and when I am not with you?’ Dele said and adjusted his bag
‘I think she gave you money again abi?’
‘Yes na’Dele replied smiling
‘U no get shame aswear’Dave said annoyed
‘U beta wise up,you should be one of the biggest boys on campus if not for your I-don’t-care attitude. Just be carrying guitar open down instead make you tear girls butt. Tracy is in love with you, I saw it in her eyes’
‘Na u sabi. Why can’t she tell u?’ Dave said smiling a bit
‘I’m ugly and you are beautiful mehn’
‘Fag!’Dave said smiling
******. ********. *******. **********
The news of Julliet’s birthday became known to everyone. It was to hold in the popular ‘Adebayo Akande Hall’.
It was a day to anticipate for. Many popular artistes were Invited.
By Ace
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Friends in Love


Phil aka Undergragra is a Computer Engineering Graduate at the Federal University Oye-Ekiti. He is a lover of God, a passionate teacher, writer and an educational consultant.

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3 years ago

Great story

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